Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.
This kit was built some years ago. Shortly after AM released their TBF-1C, Cutting Edge released a resin conversion to back-date the kit to a TBF-1. The main difference was the -1 had a .30 gun in the cowling where the -1C had two .50 [...]
Decals from Superscale 48-0516, pitot tube from plastic rod and other than that, straight out of the box. Used Vallejo Model Air Aluminum and IJA Dark Green for top and bottom airbrushed with an old Badger 150. Flaps are primer grey [...]
It was established as a Fighter Squadron in mid-1942 and Trained under I Fighter Command primarily in the Northeast with Republic P-47 Thunderbolts. It was deployed to the Mediterranean Theater of Operations in Algeria and participated in [...]
Two of AmTech's P-40 simple and low priced model. The first depicting the famous Aleutian Tiger flown by Major John Chennault, the CO of 343 FG 11th FS during 1943. The second model represents the mount of Lt. Bob Vought, 9th FS, 49th FG.
Airfix pr.9 Canberra is a pretty kit. Panel line a bit heavy but overall I like the shape and fit. Used Hataka acrylics which for me went down okay over a black primer. I did thin with a retarder. Build as it came out of the box, piece [...]
Hi fellow modelers. I've wanted to build this one for a long time. It's a P-47D-5 "SPIRIT OF ATLANTIC CITY" from the Tamiya kit #61086. Enjoy the pictures.
Hi all
Introduce my last model, finished in 2024. It's a polish PZL P11c fighter from Mirage Hobby in 1/48 scale, absolutely OOB
Hope you like it
Thanks for watching
I used ProModeler's decal sheet depicting a B-25J "My Dutchess" of the 499th BS and detailed the surface texture using Accurate Miniature's B-25 mold as an example.