iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.

A Story of a Thoroughbred - N13Yankee

THE THOMPSON TROPHY RACE was part of the National Air Races, held each Labor Day weekend in Cleveland, Ohio. The Thompson race was a closed-course, unlimited air race sponsored by the Thompson Products, Inc. of Cleveland. Prior to WWII, [...]

Tamiya 1/48 Me 262A-2a

Tamiya's Schwalbe excellent kit had two disadvantages. Slightly short wings and more notably, the lack of slats that were always deployed on the ground with the lack of air flow.

Argentine Navy F4U-5

Hi! The Corsair is probably the most easily recognizable fighter produced since World War II. With the F4U-4 variant it became arguably the best, all-around fighter from WWII. The –4 Corsair was as fast, was armed the same, it was as [...]

VF-17 F4U-1 Birdcage

Hi All! Easily one of the most recognizable fighters of WWII, the F4U Corsair provided the Navy and Marine Corps with a fighter which had the performance of, or better than most of the fighters in the world. The only reason it was not [...]

F4U-4B Conversion

Hi All! This building of this kit was very poignant. Joe Lyons and I discussed this very variant during our last call together. We also found the Academy decals in the F4U-4B kit are accurate. So this build is dedicated to my great [...]

Arma Hobby Bell Airacobra Builds

Here are a pair of Arma Hobby Bell P-39D / P-400 Airacobras which I recently completed. The Arma P-39s are excellent kits which build up well and look the part, these were built OOB with no aftermarket or scratchbuilding of any kind. [...]

Accurate Miniatures 1/48 Mustang I

This kit is not easy to assemble like the Tamiya's four blade counter part. The old Aeromaster "Early Mustangs" decal sheet enabled me to immerse in a forgotten, but colorful corner of the P-51 history.

Grummann Martlet MK II FAA 881 sqn,Madagascar Operation,Tamiya 1/48

Hi folks, had an old Tamiya kit which had been partially built,so decided to modify a bit to make a Martlet II : Tamiya P-47 spinner,Eduard cowling e some extra effort... A thunderstorm broke into and swept away everything in the modelling [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 Bf 109G-6 'NajchtJager'

Hasegawa's Bf 109G-6 dedicated night fighter of I./JG 302.

"Hot as a '44' and twice as fast." Or: no country for old men. The Wedell-Williams Model 44/ NR536V “Miss Louisiana”

What associations come to mind when you hear the keyword ‘USA around 1930’? Do images of the Great Depression, Prohibition and gangsters like Al Capone or Bonnie and Clyde come to mind? Or are they happier images full of an affinity [...]