iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.

Bf 109E-4 (SpecialHobby 1/72)

Bf 109E-4, new kit by Special Hobby in 1/72 scale. Kit goes really well, the fit is good, but check the canopy/fuselage parts before gluing. Detail level is impressive. The only aftermarket I've used was metal barrels (Master) and exhausts [...]

Hobby Boss, Me262 a-1b in 1/48

Hi guys, Hobby Boss Me262 a-1b in 1/48. built out of the box with very minor scratch build additions.

End of War…1/48 Focke-Wulf Fw190F-8, III./SG3

Built over 6 years ago. Dragon kit painted with Gunze and Tamiya acrylics, decals from Kagero, EZ Line for the antenna wire, bomb cart from Tamiya. This aircraft was an FW 190 F-8 from III./SG3, a ground-attack unit that served alongside [...]

Classic Airframes 1/48 Westland Wyvern S.4

One thing for sure, Westland’s Wyvern won’t win any beauty contests. It’s a real ungainly beast. Nor does it have the graceful curves of the mythological, two legged dragon for which it was named. But it does have a forked tail of [...]

F-8E CrusaderAcademy 1/72

Hi everybody! Here is another older build from around 2007 or 2008. It was built straight out of the box and painted with either Tamiya or Gunze-Sangyo acrylics. I believe I used a watercolor wash for the panel lines. I don't remember [...]

Boeing P-8A Poseidon, 11SQN RAAF

1/72 Welsh Models P-8A Poseidon in the markings of A47-007 of 11SQN, RAAF complete. The build consisted of scratch building the weapons bay, weapons mounting points on the wings and pylons, many of the ESM and AMS lumps and antennas. I [...]

1/48 AMT F7F-3N Tigercat

This is the AMT Tigercat with aftermarket cockpits, canopies, props, landing gear, and wheels. The figures were bashed together to make Korean War era Marine aviators.

Focke-Wulf 190 A-4, 6.JG2 Yellow 1 Erich Rudorffer, Tunisia 1943

Hello modelling mates! I just finished this longer than usual project. Is the fantastic Fw190 A-4 Eduard 1/48th kit with some aftermarket details. Eduard's Advanced Brassin set including resin engine & fuselage guns, resin wing root [...]

Wild Boar...1/48 Focke-Wulf Fw190A-8/R11, 1./NJGr.10

Built over 6 years ago. Eduard kit built oob (Nightfighter Dual Combo), some minor detail added, Gunze and Tamiya paints used. For the fuselage gun flamedampers some plastic rods used instead of the kit´s PE parts. Model shows the [...]

Miles M14 Magister, A15-1, 1 FTS RAAF, Point Cook Vic 1940.

1/72 RS Models, built 2018 to 2019 along side my RAF 100 GB entry, finished in mainly Humbrol enamels with Pledge over kit decals.