iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.

Focke Wulf FW190 F-8 RHAF HUN WW2 military aircraft 1/72 scale model

Focke Wulf FW190 F-8 RHAF Royal Hungarian Airforce WW2 military plane 1/72 scale model, finished. Technical data: built out of Revell kit + scratchbuild cockpit, aftermarket decal set. History: 102/2. Battle-fighter squadron, Winter 1944, [...]

1972 Tamiya 1/48 Ki84. Attempted stressed metal build.

Another cheap as chips kit! I grabbed this when i picked up the previous Tamiya Raiden which was also a '70's vintage kit. Being so cheap i thought i would continue my exploration of techniques and stumbled across the stressed metal look. [...]

Zvezda Su-2 1/48

Zvezda's Su-2 is a decent kit, with lots of detail for a fair price. It has its drawbacks, such as the void of detail bomb bay, but goes together without major issues. For this project I used Eduard's p.e. set as well as parts from Mars [...]

Minicraft XF5F-1 Skyrocket

I haven't posted anything for a while because I haven't built any models for a while because I was involved in building some buildings and scenery on my N Scale layout. Sorry, poor excuse. After I got to a stopping place, I really had [...]

Lindberg 1/48 Curtiss BFC-2

Due to Robert Knaack's article on November third I was motivated to get off my butt, order some EZ Line and finish my Goshawk. It also got me excited to build the FBC-2 from Freedom Models! The problem was I, like many others have been put [...]

Video: Meng Models 1/35 Whippet MK.AFull Build

Video: F-14D TOMCAT full video build -TAMIYA

TAMIYA Grumman F-14D Tomcat 1/48th scale No. 61118 Highly recommended becouse it is a best kit on the market, period! (IMO). For more details about this Tamiya kit, tools and paints from this video please visit: (link) DISCLAIMER: I am [...]

Beauty is not a question of tasteat least with a Spitfire Mk.II!

Beauty is a matter of taste, as one so aptly says - that a Spitfire represents a formal aesthetic pleasure, only very few doubt it. I would like to make this remark at the beginning of this report, because also in the kit description a lot [...]

Finished Ju 87G-1

I liked building this, but the canopy gave me nightmares. Well, it is an old kit, soooo... but it is finished and nice. I'm glad I did a good job on it.

Heller 1/72 Lockheed EC-121 "Warning Star"

BIG ! This is a large, old kit, that shows both it's size and age. There are several aftermarket kits, for those who want to upgrade. Mine is straight from the box. There are few parts, but a lot of plastic, and it takes a lot of [...]