Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.
I enjoy an occasional group build - being forced to build something that wasn't in my current line up of to-build projects. My local club averages 1 group build a year, but thought it would be fun to see if any other aircraft modelers in [...]
This model is my attempt to paint WWII Italian D2B camo pattern. I like Italian aircrafts of that time, but this camo was a blocker. Of course it should be improved, but I'm not scared anymore.
Completely OOB build, I've only added seat [...]
This is my totally out of the box build of the kit I won at the 2013 Oregon Historical Modellers Show at McMinnville. The markings I chose of the 7 included are for NAP1/c Tsuguo Matsuyama, of Air Superiority Command, 2nd Strike Unit, [...]
In use of 1964 - 2003
Kit: Revell 1:32 from 1973
1/48 Hasegawa F-4 built OOB decals are from AirDoc. Painted with Lifecolors.
1/48 Monogram kit. Fun as. 🙂
AZ Model 1/48 Kawasaki Ki-48 Code named Lily. Copped it in the reviews. I loved it. Hope you do too. Painted with Master hobby enamels.