iModeler Figures

The art of figure sculpting, modeling and painting.

Starting to paint figures.

I have been adding figures to my models to crease the look and feel. I have practiced and now I am satisfied with my style and way of painting figures. I do not do it the most artistic way. At first I sat with a book and webpages open [...]

Auerochse 54mm

The Auerochse of Kellerkind-Miniaturen is not yet finished. Just to show a bit of my work. To give the Auerochs it a more realistic look I altered it a bit. Changing the - in my opinion - exaggerated muscles, would have destroyd the [...]

Virtual Vignette

I used some digital image editing apps to place my Love Resin piece from an earlier post (Cutting Edge Figure for a Cutting Edge Soldier) into the Afghanistan countryside. Starting with an image of the figure, I used Photo Shop to overlay [...]

35th Scale Zundapp K500

I’ve been tinkering with another long forgotten stash refugee, Vulcan’s Zundapp K500. I made some new cylinder barrels for it and added individual tread blocks because the laminated assembly process wasn’t distinct enough for me. The [...]

1/16 Dog Tag: ANZAC Pacific 1943.

Nothing special except the added base paint Vallejo acrylic webbing belts from lead foil. P.k

Second Empire Officer of Engineers

This Is my recently completed 65mm French Officer of Engineers during the Second Empire. He sat in the "kits to finish" pile for so long, I've forgotten the manufacturer. I used oils for all my painting. For the silver braid I [...]

1-35 Model Victoria: On Russian front summer 1942

This is resin figures from Italian producer Model Victoria in 1-35 scale. It represents a forcibly mobilized solder from okupacion zone of SLOVENIA,part of Kingdom JUGOSLAVIA which was taken after WWI by Italy. from 1919-1945. Fascist [...]

1-35 War the end is near ,Syrmian Front 1945

German soldier at the last major line before the end. Jugoslavia january 1945. (link) figure by DRAGON with some corrections. P:k

Goblin Lord

This sculpt, marketed as "Savage Horn" by Spanish company Nocturna, consists of twelve finely cast pieces of grey resin. There's little flash in evidence, but as some pieces are quite small a fine-toothed saw is required to [...]

Falchirmjäger Battalion 500Dragon 1/16

Adolf Hitler supposedly got the idea in September 1943, after Operation Eiche ("Oak"). Operation Eiche was launched on 12 September and included an airborne raid on Gran Sasso. The operation was planned by Kurt Student. During [...]