iModeler News

Commentary on current events or industry news

Firebombing Mandeville Canyon in a C-130

I watched these guys make their two runs from my front yard yesterday afternoon. These runs were what blocked the Mandeville Canyon fire and kept it from coming over the mountains into Encino. Talk about some stainless steel cojones! (link)


Having gotten some queries from members here about how things are, I'll answer here for all. The header photo was taken from atop my neighbor's roof at 5pm today, just before sunset. That's the Palisades Fire, which moved into Mandeville [...]

USS Edsall DD 219 wreck located

USS Edsall lost in combat on March 1, 1942, against the might of the Imperial Japanese Navy has been located some 200 miles east of Christmas Island. The discovery came last year with a survey carried out by the Royal Australian Navy but [...]

Pacific Airshow, Gold Coast, Australia 2024

Last Weekend the Pacific Airshow came to my hometown. A mix of warbirds, aerobatics and the latest tech. No descriptions - you'll know what these are I'm sure. Except maybe the Yak 110 - two Yak 55s joined together with a GE J-85 Jet [...]

A new group build has been started..... it's called "The Great War"

Hello again everyone. The time has certainly flown by. The last time I mentioned this was about two weeks ago. Now here we are... and today is the first official day of the start of the First World War. I have started a new group [...]

Reminder for the upcoming Great War group build

Hello again my friends. This is just a quick reminder that we will have a new group build starting in a little over two weeks from now. It will be for anything that is somehow related to the First World War. Aircraft, Armor, [...]

RIP Roy Cross

Shortly after his 100th birthday, legendary artist Roy Cross passed away on April 24th. Roy had a 75 year career as an prolific artist and illustrator and famously did much of the iconic box art for Airfix that many of us grew up with and [...]

Bud Anderson, R.I.P.

Those of you who purchased my book “Clean Sweep: VIII Fighter Command vs the Luftwaffe,” have seen that the cover very prominently features the fact that the Foreword was written by Brigadier General Clarence Emil “Bud” Anderson. I [...]

Idea for a new group build. The Great War 1914 - 1918

The First World War started on 28 July, 1914 and ended four years later on 11 November, 1918. I was thinking about starting a new group build that was dedicated to the men and women who were there. It would follow the exact same dates as [...]

Tulsa Modelers Forum annual Show

Just completed our annual show and it was a fantastic one! Over 400 models on the tables and over 50 vendors tables loaded with new and legacy model kits. Some great sponsorships from many renowned kit model supply companies. Next years [...]