iModeler News

Commentary on current events or industry news

Where did the review teasers go?

I got asked to take down the review teasers till the full rfeviews came out. Maybe a photo the week before here and at FB to pique interest. Since doing reviews at M2 is the basis of what my reputation rests on, that's the way it works. [...]

R.I.P. Mrs. “Billie” Bailey… beloved wife of our good friend Jeff Bailey

Hello everyone. I have some bad news to share with you. In case you have wondered why Jeff has not been posting on Imodeler recently over the past few days, this is why. Jeff is one of our "regulars", and a very good friend of [...]

ICM B-26 Invader arrived!

Before anyone complains about lack of photos, there are lots of hi-rez photos of the parts at various websites (Scalmates, etc.) that are better than any I can do here. Overall: With the parts in-hand, the kit lives up to the hype and our [...]

Airfix Spitfire XIV back in stock!

For those who missed it first time around, it's back, at the very attractive price of 21 pounds. Just a superb kit, you're nuts not to get one. (link)

The H-K B-17G test shot has arrived!

A nice simple cardboard box full of plastic parts just arrived. I even have to get the instructions via e-mail and it's a good thing I took advantage of the Sprue Brothers decal sale and got the Kits World B-17G stencil decals and [...]

9-0-9 has crashed

Sad news. Flew with her 10 years ago. (link) What's a real "joy killer" is the thought it was some 70-year old $5 part that failed, as a warbird restorer friend told me a few years ago was going to be the cause of the end of [...]

One crazy (in the best way) Frenchman

You guys over in Europe need to check this out. (link) (the author of the article is obviously not a knowledgeable aeronut when it comes to describing the collection, but the photos tell the story)

Want! Want! Want! (updated info)

ICM has released computer shots of the new B-26B-50 (Korean War) version of their upcoming B-26 Invader. Finally! It looks right, and it's the 8-gun nose version. I will definitely be getting one of these! Coming this fall! UPDATED INFO: [...]

Farewell, Captain America...


New P-38 from Tamiya

Read their Facebook page earlier today, and to me it sure looks like their “new 1/48 aircraft” is the P-38 everyone was hoping for. Here’s the link to the page that has some revealing photos (link)