iModeler News

Commentary on current events or industry news

RIP Valery Grygorenko

Brett Green reports: I am greatly saddened to report that prominent Ukrainian artist Valery Grygorenko was killed in a Russian attack near Kyiv yesterday. Even if you don't recognise the name you will almost certainly know his work, in [...]

Ukraine and the plastic modeling community

The following companies are all in Kyiv: My friend Eugen Evtushenko at Dora Wings has let me know everyone he knows in the scale modeling community are sheltering. Armory Models Group Big Planes Kits A&A Models Dora Wings ICM [...]

80 Years Ago Today… the Japanese Bombing of Darwin

On 19th of February 1942, just 73 days after the attack on Pearl Harbour (8th December 1941 Australian time) the Australian city of Darwin was bombed by the Japanese. The attack was led by Commander Mitsuo Fuchida, who had also led the [...]

And now the news

Tamiya has announced a 1/48 P-38J, for release "later this year."

Airfix 2022 RangeNew Tools, Re-releases and more!


Vietnam War Group Build is ready

Anything that was used from 1955 to 1975 by any armed forces...JOIN NOW: (link)

Charles Mcgee, Tuskegee and 332 F.G. hero, dies at 102.

Charles Mcgee fits the title "Superhero" much better than any comic book character. I won't get long winded, just post the AP article which sums up his story OK. And his P-51B "Kitten", named for his Wife. Once tough, [...]

This Was Unexpected

Just got word today that the Vietnam Veterans of America named my book "Best Vietnam history of 2021." All compliments are wonderful, but a compliment from the people who know what they're talking about is better.

RIP Admiral Don Shelton

Everyone: Just got this tonight, a NOTAM from the Golden Eagles. The rule is, "There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots." There's an exception to every rule, and Don Shelton was the [...]

The Wingnuts Lanc is happening!

Border Models of China are putting out the WNW Lanc! I’ll let the pics do the talking. Anyone got the Handley Page 0 series molds!?