iModeler Photo Collections

New and historic photograph collections

My Basement Collection: These Poor Models Never Made it to the Big-Time!

I am sure some of you have a few models laying around the house, and/or workshop, that just never got any attention. These are the "Hanger Queens" of the Modeling World...LOL. Something is broken, Missing Parts, Bad paint-job, [...]

Random blast from the past

About finished with two builds, got to get them in the photo booth, meanwhile photos of my yout. First four, in and around Nimitz 1977, #5- Me and a Sherman, Marseilles Fr.1978, #6- berthing, 03 level, Saratoga 1976

Link to my past.....

In my early teens, when I first saw those wonderful Shep Paine pamphlets included with Monogram kits, a new door was opened for me that took model building from being just a kids hobby to a passion. Even now, many years later, Mr. Paine's [...]

NASM at Dulles

While sitting here watching the Stanley Cup playoffs I'd thought I'd share some pics from my February trip to the NASM, Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia. Always something new to see. For this trip it was the JRS-1 from Pearl [...]

More from the Museum of American Armor, Old Bethpage L.I. N.Y.

This is for all the armour guys. A nice museum. I think most of the equipment runs, They're having a WWII reenactment I beleave the weekend of May 19th.

TAVAS – The Australian Vintage Aviator Society – Great War Flying Display 2018

I haven't had a chance to do much modelling this year, work has been stupidly busy - we just had the 2018 Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast and trains were running 24/7 during the period (I work for Queensland Rail as traincrew), also [...]

My builds for 2017

Here is my nine builds for 2017. all 1/48 kits and allot more to come in 2018 🙂 25994908_10213628810007441_7771720508216428877_n by b007scott, on Flickr 25659902_10213628810807461_4874212588855280808_n by b007scott, on [...]

Year in Review – 2017

Two very long and involved builds with HMS Victory and the subsequent addition of long boats, and the large scale Sopwith Camel, then a figure revamp and a Review piece, a flying bus, and a floaty thing in sea spray... hmmm... reads not so [...]

One off Tuesday Bulletin

Hi everybody, I’ve come across these pictures recently and wanted to share them with you as I know iModelers like looking at photographs, purely for research reasons of course. My nephew is currently at military college here and says he [...]

Once upon a time, there was a Hungarian Air Force…

After (the so-called) communism ended, so many things changed here, in East/Central Europe...for example the various national armies and forces' attitudes towards a possible war and in addition with that change there happened a re-thinking [...]