iModeler Sci-fi

Science fiction, fantasy and mecha model building.

Discover XD-1, moebius 1/350.

More reasonably priced then their earlier 1/144 release of the exploration ship from 2001 a space odyssey. The smaller scale though taxed my manual dexterity. We are nowhere near the technology as projected in the movie, reality vs Sci-fi [...]

Bandai 1/72 X-wing

Well I wanted to do this fun little project a while ago, I actually started this model in early 2020, but I got demotivated so I didn't finish last year, nevertheless, a few weeks ago I found the box, and decided to finally finish it, it [...]

Video: The War Rig – Mad Max – 3D Resin Print 1/72 – Truck Model

Tie Silencer V3: a rather fictional report

The development of the Tie Silencer The term "tie fighter" is associated with qualities such as agility, speed and firepower, but also with the idea of pitiless replaceability. As long as this concept fitted into a system of rule [...]

Bi Millenium Falcon , 1/350 :)

Bi Millenium Falcon , 1/350 🙂

Martian War Machine, 1953. 1/48 Pegasus, imodeler at the movies.

This is Pegasus's Martian War Machine 1/48, from the 1953 movie War of the Worlds. A very simple kit to build, I included a bit of a diorama also. If I had the skill set would have wired the machined. David Leigh-Smith started this group [...]

Ma.K. FRIEDRICH Panzer Kampf Anzug F, Wave 1/20

I'm not much into SciFi but as soon as I learned a bit about Maschinen Krieger I was absolutely captivated by the looks and aesthetic of the whole thing. To me is the perfect blend of SciFi and military history…a perfect “what if” [...]

Custom Mandalorian

This was a really fun project that i was able to make a bunch of accessories for. i plan to make another Mandalorian but he will be a huge improvement over this guy with a cloth suit and all. hopefully ill start on him soon!

X-Wing and Y-Wing

These two models are on complete opposite sides of the spectrum. The X-wing is a late 80’s early 90’s era model, with not the greatest fitting parts. The Y-wing is a Bandai, basically the Ferrari of model companies. The X-Wing was fun [...]

Desert Death trooper

So I did this guy for a build off i was in a few months ago and to this day it holds up as one of my all time favorite models I've done. This was also one of my first small bases id done for one of my figures and I'm a huge fan of how it [...]