iModeler Uncategorized

So what's everyone using for dayglo these days?

I got the great Atlantis B-52 X-15 re-pop for Christmas, and am looking for a good fluorescent orange/red-orange to use. I know there are more choices out there these days, so any favorites? Rob

Tamiya 1:48 Scale, Dewoitine D-520

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays everyone! It's been a wee bit since my last post, but I figured with the end of the year so close at hand, why not? Anyway, I had this kit sitting up in the stash, and I saw one in a video about the early [...]

Teeth&Fang GB extension

Just to announce that this GB will be prolonging its closing date till the 29th February. There are at least 3 ongoing WIPs (including my own) so this extra time should help fellow modelers to complete their builds on time. (link)

Santa goes Royal

Arrived today in the mail my own Xmas gift to myself, pretty hedonistic I know 🙂 Royal Class edition of Eduard”s P-51 D. Lots of sprues, 2 full kits as usual, fin or fin less Versions, 4 different PE that covers all D variants IP, 2 [...]

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays year in review, and Panther progress

Seasons Greetings fellow modelers! Seems I have had a fairly productive year, I didn't try and place them in order, but It think they are close. The Angel is actually part of an advent tree we got our daughter off ebay. She loved our [...]

Boatload on the bench

Afternoon all, Its been a while since I've posted anything. I haven't finished anything over the past 6 months, but I've got a c**p ton (it's a technical term) in progress. I'm cranking hard on them to try and get them done before we [...]

Quick comparison.

I dont have any models to build at the moment. I've finished all major projects. But I was looking through my model pics, and I cannot believe how much I've improved. Below I have two spitfires and two stukas, and they could not be more [...]

78 years ago today

For the 36 Enterprise fliers, their entry into World War II was “come as you are.” Air group commander Howard "Brigham" Young and his wingman, Ensign Perry Teaff, were passing over Barber’s Point when they spotted aircraft [...]

Back It up Mack, Atomic Annie's In Town

Considered obsolete as a strategic weapon during it's time in the Army's inventory, the "Atomic Cannon" was impressive in size and a cause for concern by it's enemies. Able to hurl an atomic shell some ten miles, the guns were a [...]

FINISHED!!! Fw 190 and He 162

I'm finished with both the 162 and 190. I'm very proud of both of these models, especially the 162, because I feel like I got them both right! Yes, there was an emergency paint change on the 162, (long story, spilled and ran out of [...]