My dad, John H. "Johnny" Brantley was one of 13 children born to a cotton-picking, share-cropping couple in Milam county Texas. Born in 1923, he was the fourth son and fourth oldest. My grandparents lived in poverty that is [...]
I was very proud and to be awarded the ”Model of the Month” in April and I’m even more happy now that the award kit has arrived.
@editor Martin, our editor, sent me a list of kits to choose from, but the one I really wanted wasn’t [...]
Lt. Wilmer E. Rawie
The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting a Gold Star in lieu of a Second Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Lieutenant, Junior Grade Wilmer Ernest Rawie (NSN: 0-81338), United [...]
My final build for the Midway Group is a Wildcat from VF-3 on Yorktown flown by Lt Scott McCuskey. From Little Rock, Arkansas, Scott enlisted in the Navy in 1938 and got his wings and ensign's commission in the Reserves in 1939. He began [...]
1/72 Monogram, I shortened the fuselage and removed some things to convert the kit back to the original X15, hinged the rudder and elevators also scribed the panel lines, finished in Revell and MM enamels with Future and Xtracrylix flat [...]
I would call my dad every June 6, and ask him if he remembered what he was doing on that date years ago. Always got the same answer, "Hell yes I do, lucky to have lived through it." Pics are from a ringed book titled a pictorial [...]
Thanks to Jim Wasley's recent MK VI light tank build, I finally was able to identify a Dinky Die cast survivor from my yout, given to me by my uncle in the before time. Thanks Jim.
Hope you fly guys don't mind if I throw a sea land vehicle in as these guys fought in the Pacific,the kit is a Italeri, it went together on it's own it was that easy,I used some artistic licence with this kit,so please enjoy it as it is [...]
Hi Folks: Here's a small reminder of the Aleutians campaign, inspired by a Bing Images photo of a long-abandoned Japanese Type 41 75mm mountain gun on Kiska. The kit is a 1/35th offering from Fine Molds.