As already written, the Buddha is a reference Verlinden, and included the small base step. The crypt and the rest of the building work, were instead self-built with bricks made by pouring ceramic plaster, in sophisticated wooden molds, [...]
Diorama in 1/35 scale by Italo Feregotto ( figure painting) and Roberto Colaianni
this time it’s a scene of fantasy, created taking more in consideration artistic aspect then absolute realism.
The story: nothing too complicated, the [...]
This is the recently reissued Airfix kit finished as a 1970s era Rhodesian example. It's a simple, straightforward kit to build. As it is a bit light in details, I installed an Eduard PE instrument panel and cockpit set, along with a [...]
1/72 Italeri, I modified, replaced and added a few things, cut the tail at the fold point, added bulkheads and drive shaft couplings, added a cabin ceiling, brass tube and wire to main and tail rotors, reversed tail rotor blades, folded [...]
I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new 1/48 scale Tamiya Ki-61. To me, the Ki-61 Hien “Tony” is one of the most graceful looking Japanese WW2 planes.
I purchased the new Tamiya kit from a hobby shop in Japan and [...]
I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new 1/48 scale Tamiya Ki-61. To me, the Ki-61 Hien "Tony" is one of the most graceful looking Japanese WW2 planes.
I purchased the new Tamiya kit from a hobby shop in Japan and [...]
Hello iModeler! Here are a few pics of a 1/48 scale Italeri Chinook I recently built for a friend, who is a veteran and former Chinook Flight Engineer. I used Werner's Wings decals for the serial number of his aircraft, did a lot of [...]
Tamiya, 1/48. Beautiful model,interesting plane. Started its life as a heavy fighter, converted into an recce plane then finally evolved into a nightfighter. This represents the early, humpbacked version with 4 cannons(2 fining obliquely [...]