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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

Revel 1955 Chevy Pro Mod

I built this one a few years ago. It's based on Revell's 1/25 1955 ProMod Chevy kit. I had finished a 1/72 Hasegawa F/A-18C in the "Digi Bug" scheme of VMFA-314, and thought it would be interesting if the United States Marine [...]

1/48 AMK Kfir C-2 Israeli AF

Just finished today. Just need to finsih weapons. This was a real enjoyable kit to build ! Pinted with tamiya paints weathered with Mig Dark Wash .Enjoy 🙂 Cheers Brian

Tamiya 1/48th Fw190A-3, JG26, 1942 ETO

The Fw-190 was a fearsome fighter in the hands of skillful pilots such as Josef "Pips" Priller. As Hptmn with JG26 in the summer of 1942 flying the A-3 variant of the 190. JG26 converted to the more capable Fw-190 replacing the [...]

Hasegawa, 1:48 Scale, Macchi MC.202, “Folgore” (Lightning)

Another Axis bird! I built this one, after seeing my friend Bill Koppos' build of the same model. I like the way his came out so well, I got busy on mine. I see many of these at shows, and pretty much all of them have the smoke ring [...]

Hasegawa 1:48 Scale, Aichi D3A1, Type 99, Carrier Bomber, ‘Val’

After seeing Terry's beautiful D3A2 model posted yesterday, I thought I'd stick my neck out with one I had built a few years back. It's a terrific model, that fits well, and a subject that really needed to be updated, considering that the [...]

The ol' pick-em-up truck

Happy Easter everyone! I have built around 30 models in the past couple of years, mostly WWII aircraft plus a couple of ships and tanks. These are all interesting subjects for me, but I have no personal experience with them. I mean you [...]

Not dads old 65′ galaxie

Hello guys..just thought i would share this recent build it's the AMT 65 galaxie 500xl kit it can be built 3 ways. Stock car / factory stock or custom. I made up my own "factory custom" or pro touring I guess..I picked this kit [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 scale Aichi D3A2 Val

As with most model guys, I strive to find that different and / or unusual scheme , that sparks a little more interest or attraction to one's project. Scanning books and the internet for Japanese aircraft, especially those few samples that [...]

A few more Ma. K builds.

As folks seemed to like my post from yesterday I figured I would share the others that I've completed. The gray/green suit is called an S.A.F.S Raptor mk.2. The larger walker is a Super Jerry. Thanks for looking. Any comments appreciated.

Almost there

Sorry for the quality of a couple of these, but figured I would do a quick update. Almost finished, she is a BIG plane and the landing gear doors almost did me in, but as I said almost there!