Hi folks, here's my D-Day contribution, Tamiya's 1/35 kit of the Centaur. Quoting from the instruction sheet: After the 1942 Dieppe raid, the Royal Marine Division refined the techniques for combined operations such as assault landings [...]
June 6th 1944 - D-Day. What many of us , me included, may not of known was that the allied airbourne assault force in the form of 6, 28 man Horsa gliders took of from their base in the south of England at 22:56 hrs on the 5th June, the [...]
To be featured in an upcoming issue of AMW, here's a sneak peak at my latest completed project. More photos and details will be added once the article is in print.
Here is my first contribution to this great new (to me!) site.
It is Eduard's 1/48 scale Polikarpov I-16, Type 10. I used decals from a long OOP Superscale sheet for the code letters/numbers and the 'Betty Boop' on the tail. All other [...]
While my father is finishing to paint the pair of De Havilland DH 91 Albatross he started a new model from scratch.
In this case he is dealing with the huge AW 27 Ensing. A friend of us will make the decals for the BOAC Albatross and [...]
Here is the kit that got my on my large-scale building bing, the mighty Hasegawa 109G-6! I built this kit very soon after it came out back in 2002 and is still in my collection, along with 2 others I've built since. Yes the kit has a few [...]
I just finished this Corsair yesterday. It's the 1/48th Hasegawa F4U-5 done in the 1949-era markings of VF-44. The kit is very well engineered with the exception of the fitment of the cowling where it joins with the fuselage. The cowling [...]