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Tamiya 1/48 Storch in Yugoslav markings

Here for my 2nd post is a Tamiya 1/48 scale Storch. It is completely OOB except for some Eduard pre-painted seatbelts. Decals are from "Lift Here" and represent an aircraft from the Royal Yugoslav Air Force, ca Spring 1940.

Gloster Javelin FAW 9 in 1/48 by Airfix

Having built the Airfix Canberra PR 9 & the Sea Vixen with a great deal of pleasure I was lucky enough to win this kit at our monthly IPMS raffle. I think the Javelin is Airfix's best yet. Fit of parts was perfect; no filler anywhere. [...]

D-Day aircraft

The Typhoon was done for the Group Build, the others are D-Day aircraft I've built over the years.

Merkava Mk IV LIC

As this was the last model in my stash, I thought I'd complete the build and dust-off the 'Armor' category for a change of pace. This is Academy's 1/35 kit (13227) of the Israeli Main Battle Tank, the Merkava Mk. IV, in its LIC (Low [...]

Wings of the Red Star Volume I – MiG-29

Well, at least I'm not the one to break the D-Day streak. Honestly I think it's the kit's fault as it kept horning in on my own D-Day build. Well, anyway here goes the rest of the article. It will sound way better if you imagine it being [...]

D-Day C-47A of the 94TCS / 439TCG at Devon U.K.

This aircraft was flown by the Group Commander of 94TCS / 438TCG, Colonel C. H. Young. The painting on the nose of the aircraft is of a sailing ship named Argonia. Argonia was the hometown of Colonel Young. I have the utmost respect for [...]

D-Day C-47 Skytrain

Well, it's 9:15 p.m. Central and I just finished mowing my Dad's yard. Now that work is over, I can contribute to the D-Day build. I know I said I could get this done in two weeks, and I probably could, but a Gloster Javelin, Yak-38, [...]

Airfix 1/72 Hawker Typhoon 1b

It is still June 6th over here so here is my contribution. It is Mn317/ZYB of No. 247 (China British) Sqn., 124 Wing as of June 1944. Late in the build I convinced myself that it was a 3-blade prop not a 4-blade like came with the kit. It [...]

Images of D-Day…

[US National Archives; USAF; Crown Copyright; National Archives of Canada; US Coast Guard]

Academy 1/72 P-51B Mustang

My own D-Day Group Build contribution (an RAF Mustang Mk. III) suffered serious production delays, but at least I can contibute to the Anniversary celebration with some freshly taken photos of one of my older models. This is a 1/72 [...]