Spitfire PR.XIX with Xradecals & Ultracast add-onns. Decals, tyres and seat. Brake lines added from wire. My first PRU Blue ever and I tried to built it as almost new and well maintained - therefore weatheing kept in minimum. Hope [...]
Hi folks, just thought I'd show you what I've been working on recently, these are 1/43 scale coaches built from Ian Kirk Plastic kits. Most railway coaches are made up in sections and the real things were built in the same way, the [...]
This is a 1/48 Trumpy Sea Fury that I built a few years ago. I understand that the kit has some issues but what the hell, I built it anyways. Markings were some excellent ones from Mike Grant, possibly the best decals I have ever used. [...]
I still love this box top, and built it still looks "good enough". I built one about 43 years ago,and loved it! Accurate, nope, fun...yep! That and the Tamiya 1/25 Tiger I, because sometimes you need to stop being so darned [...]
I thought that the aviation enthusiasts would like to see something I worked on last year.
I was given a set of castings for one of the desktop models produced by J. Lawson Model Makers. They sell finished examples to raise funds to help [...]
I chose this "classic" kit and legendary aircraft, because I wanted it for long long time. Of course I'd liked to start it immediately, but in last year i got some other awesome kits which I promised to finish this year. However, [...]
I often see the F4F referred to as a 'stubby little plane' or something similar, but to me the squared off angularity of it's wings and tail compliment the roundness of the fuselage nicely which I think is quite esthetically pleasing.
This [...]
Gerhard “Gerd” Barkhorn joined the Luftwaffe in 1937 and completed his pilot training in 1939. Flying combat with JG 52 through the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain in 1940, he remained scorelewss though he was shot down [...]
In retirement I've been catching up with building models of units I served on while on active duty. My latest build is a 1:16th scale model of a typical USCG 41' utility boat. Found at every Coast Guard station, the 41' UTB was state of [...]
This build was a nightmare to build - lots of rescribing, putty works, scratchbuild, riveting, but at the end I was very pleased with results.
Painted with Vallejo Acrylics, aftermarket parts: Neomega cockpit interieor, Begemot decals.