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Hasegawa 1/48 Ju87B-2 Stuka

I have always liked the Stuka ever since I watched my dad build the Guillows balsa wood kit. So here is mine. This is Hasegawa's Ju87B-2 depicting S2+AM from 4/St.G.77 Eastern Front, 1941..I built this one pretty much straight from the [...]

OK here it is, the wait is over for Bill Koppos's Favorite model....and the winner is..............

Special Hobby's 1/32 scale Brewster Buffalo Mark I. Ta Da! (Cue Fireworks...) The maligned Brewster has always been a fascination of mine-why, I'm not sure. I like the looks, the barrel shape, different landing gear, cool glasshouse [...]

IPMS Three Rivers: TRICON 2013 Part II

Here are a few more photos from Saturdays show...since the 24-pic limit was reached on the other post. 🙂

IPMS Three Rivers: TRICON 2013

Saturday, March 23 saw another enjoyable TRICON come and go. There were 72 entrants, and 253 models on the tables. Lots of deals were to be had at the vendor tables, as most were independent sellers "thinning the herd". A steady [...]

iModeler Review: Tamiya 1/72 Ilyushin IL-2 Shturmovik

A few months ago, Tamiya released what is, most likely, the new standard for 1/48 IL-2 Shturmovik. The kit has thus been lauded for its engineering, beauty, and ease of assembly. There was also, as I remember, a bit of controversy [...]

Fujimi FW-190D-9 “Black 10″

I bought this old Fujimi 1/48 kit at a model close-out at a Michael's store many years ago. Since I only paid a few dollars for it, when I finally got around to building the plane, 15-20 years ago, I decided to try a bit of customizing. [...]

Thought the Wildcat thing petered out, eh? My Kid’s F4F-3….

Hobbyboss 1/48 F4F-3 "Early" built by my son, Kyle a while ago. I happen to think Hobby Boss really got this one right, and it really looks spiffy in the early wargames scheme. If I recall this one was a kit provided scheme. [...]

Booty Nieuport 27C1 Converting Hobbycraft kit in 1/32

This Greek Army inventory Nieuport 27 captured in airworthy condition at Gaziemir (Paradiso) airfield by the end of Turkish War of Independence in 1922. Named Ganimet-4 (Booty-4) and used for training duties until 1927 in Turkish Air [...]

Tamiya Spitfire Mk.IX. 1/32nd. scale.

As much as I love Spitfires, this one took me rather a long time; six month, give or take & I completed a few others while I was having a break. Lovely detail & fit & absolutely spot on for shape & proportion. I kept the [...]

1:48 scale Hobby Boss F4F-3, “Wildcat”

Remember that F4F-3 I saw in the hobby shop after I finished converting the Tamiya F4F-4 to a -3? Well, I bought one and decided to see how it stacked up against the Tamiya kit. In my opinion, Tamiya is the better kit. Even though Hobby [...]