Had the distinct pleasure of meeting John Leaher and Herb Heibrun at a book signing for their book "Black and White Airman". Both men grew up in Cincinnati and during the war John flew with the "Tuskegee Airman" and [...]
So far I have not been stopped, continue to post my models :))
This time - artillery, namely French cannon in 1878. Caliber can be 120 or 155 mm, because the model will get a little bigger 48th scale. So it is rather a collective image of [...]
Eduard's Bf-109E-4, done as Galland's airplane. usd the Squadron vac canopy to correct the early-release incorrect canopy.
In 1984 I had the opportunity to meet Galland (along with Gunther Rall and Walter Krupinski) at the AFAA [...]
When was the last time you saw someone build a Brewster Corsair?
The story of this model begins in failure. I had gotten this model almost ready for the "Fiddly Bits" in 2004 when it suffered a catastrophic structural failure at [...]
This is one of the few armor kits I have built. All of my armor is OOB, due to it being built for an in club build contest, which follows the IPMS Out Of Box rules. I chose to build this kit because I have always liked the [...]
Had England fallen to Germany and the Luft '46 “Amerika-Bomber” been produced in large numbers and able to bomb America, it would have to be intercepted and fast.
Before the fall of England Rolls Royce was able to send to Packard the [...]
One of my first jets was this re-release of Revell's F-84G. Was a real treat to build, parts fit extremely well and this model required no putty at all. Built OOB and the only thing I added were belts. If you like decals this is the kit [...]
The nasty old Tamiya 1/48 scale kit. A truly awful kit, built in the markings of a machine belonging to the 1st Sentai, 1st Chutai, which operated from Clark Airfield in the Philippines during late 1944.
This is the AMT/ERTL 1/48 scale Curtiss P-40N Warhawk. The markings represent a P-40N from the 35th Fighter Squadron, 8th Fighter Group operating in New Guinea during 1944.
This model is made quite spontaneously, just a box in the closet lying too long))). All will recall product from the Frog - Spitfire-14 and V-1, in the 72nd scale? So, I wanted to do something similar.
Spitfire asked some of my [...]