Here is my finally completed Tamiya P-51D. It represents the aircraft of Captain Henry W. Brown, leading ace of the 354th Fighter Squadron, 355th Fighter Group and its second most decorated pilot. (This is photograph 12694 from the [...]
I enjoyed my recent build of an Airfix Gustav 109, so when I saw this Emil the other day with Battle of Britain markings I picked it up. Little did I know that unlike the Gustav, AO1008A was an Airfix "new tool" kit. Instead [...]
Nice way to start the day.
Step outside to check the weather forecast against personal experience (we definitely now have Spring after the longest winter I remember in 50 years here in L.A.) and I almost tripped over the box sitting on [...]
With help from fellow member and modeler Tom Bebout , I was able to locate this model. I am adding it to my D-Day / Operation Overlord collection to display at our local library. The kit is #5944 Junkers Ju 52/3m Transport. A few areas [...]
The Re.2000 was intentionally designed to compete for orders under “Programma Erre”, a comprehensive effort launched in 1938 targeting towards the enactment of several improvements throughout the Regia Aeronautica.
Despite having very [...]
Pulling this one from the "Way Back Machine" for "Throw Back Thursday".
Sans Tennessee Tuxedo and Chumley, of course...
Anyway, I was in my 'Laboratory' organizing storage when I happened to see this old kit and [...]
MiniArt brings us a lot of great models, Pz.Kpfw IV family is no excuse. In fact, MA covered almost any type of this famous Panzer. this one is no exception. In fact, this is a little bit odd one, this is MA’s Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. J [...]
Being pleased with the way my Monogram Hawker Typhoon turned out and being even more pleased with all the compliments it received, I decided my "Tiffie" deserved to be put in a vignette. Nothing elaborate, just something simple [...]