This Spitfire was built for a Matchbox Group Build that is still currently going on to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Matchbox to when they first started releasing their injected mold kits in 1972. In regards to this group build, I [...]
1/48 Canadian SAR CH-113 Labrador, 1982, Gander NL
See all my models at: (link)
Nikon D300; Focus Stacking using Helicon Focus; Editing using LightRoom
Academy KV-107-II-5 (12205)
Decals: Belcher Bits Labrador/Voyager [...]
Hello everyone,
Let me show you my first ever Bf-109 in my first ever article here at imodeler.
I always tended to avoid this subject of aviation, since there were and are always endless debates of the exact colors, exact scheme etc. But I [...]
After 20 years since it appeared, Roden's excellent Felixstowe hold its ground. The early and late F.2A are depicted here. I used AIMS decals for the red ship. Rigging is elaborate, but thanks to stiff coper wires from coated cables, the [...]
SBD was a scout and dive bomber aircraft produced by Douglas from mid-1940 to mid-1944. Scout Bomber Douglas was also known by the nickname Slow But Deadly and is famous by its actions against Japanese fleet at the Battle of Midway. The [...]
Another one of my offerings in the Jerry Grandall Tribute Group here on iModeler as organized by Tom Cleaver. I never realized the amount and variety of decals that are offered by EagleCals. That is until I did a little research and then [...]
This little quick 'how-to', is for a future project I am planning a 1:24 scale diorama, which is going to involve some major scratch building and many detail objects. So stay tuned. If you know me than you know how I always like to find a [...]
Completed in 2022. This is a bagged kit of the Blue Knight, first released in 1957. The nameplate on the base said "Sir Galahad," so it was part of the 1967 "Camelot" reissues. Fortunately, I was able to get a pre-1967 [...]
This is the old Airfix kit. I tried a little detailing on the wing folding mechanism and air brake, the rest is out of the box. I hope the new kit has a better fit.
Thanks for looking.
This is Cyberhobby/Dragon's superb Bf110E kit, finished as flown by Lt Heinz Wolfgang Schnaufer in 1943. The kit is detailed, care is required with the nacelles in particular...and the instructions are awful!