The Revell Database at iModeler

1148 articles
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Revell model kits

Vintage Revell Volkswagen Sedan 1:40 scale

In order to build some old models that bring me many memories, as already mentioned in previous posts about Revell Tradewind, I have finished the vintage Revell Volkswagen Deluxe Sedan Kit No. H-952: 59 - 1:40 scale, from the 1960s in [...]

PV-1 Ventura

I took a break from stringing biplanes to build this wonderful kit, Revell's PV-1 Ventura. The kit was marked "Korea 2011" and went together like a dream. All the seams had a nice tight fit, so very little bodywork was needed. [...]

Eurofighter Ghost Tiger Revell 1/72

Hello again imodelers, this is the Eurofighter Ghost Tiger, new model from revell, as you can see I chose the in flight version for the first time ever, so the buid it self was shorter than normal (no landing gear) Decals the most time [...]

F-104G Starfighter. 31 Sqdron. Belgian Air Force 1978. Revell 148.

Hi all This is a Revell kit with Aires resin cockpit and wheels bays. It represent a Belgian AF fighter circa 1978. Not very well adjustments but the final result looks like a Starfighter. Hope you like It Sifredo Cubas

1/25th Revell "Kurtis Midget Racer"

Double WOW! I found this model on the web and bought it flat out. Why would I do that? Let's back up to 1947 as this is the answer. My cousin "Jim" came home from the Navy in late 1945 and lived with his parents in Alliance, [...]

Messerschmitt ME-109 K-4 German WW2 military aircraft 1/72 scale model

Messerschmitt ME-109 K-4 German WW2 1/72 scale military aircraft model, finished. 1945, Germany. Technical data: built out of Revell kit + scratchbuild cockpit. Building hours: 80

Finished Ju 87G-1

I liked building this, but the canopy gave me nightmares. Well, it is an old kit, soooo... but it is finished and nice. I'm glad I did a good job on it.

Review: 1/48th A/B-26 Invader, ICM/Monogram/Revell Review

With the new ICM new mold B-26B now in our hot little hands. Though overshadowed by the P-38 released about the same time. Still it was an anticipated and long awaited release that a lot of WWII model builders have waited for. I built [...]

Back It up Mack, Atomic Annie's In Town

Considered obsolete as a strategic weapon during it's time in the Army's inventory, the "Atomic Cannon" was impressive in size and a cause for concern by it's enemies. Able to hurl an atomic shell some ten miles, the guns were a [...]

Revell/Monogram 1/48 B-17G

Let me prelude this by saying this is an older build– from 2005, in fact. It's spent the last 14 years in a box under the stairs, but this weekend I dug it out and decided to shoot some new photos of it. There are plenty of things I'd do [...]