123 articles · 11.9K karma · 30 friends · active 1 month, 1 week ago

69 years of age, Modeling since birth. Do planes, armor, or whatever hits my fancy. World War 2 is main interest but will stray back in time, rarely forward. Competition shooting, collecting Military rifles and reading History occupy the non-modeling time. I was a mechanic by trade, now retired and loving it. Married 42 years to a lovely long-suffering woman and have one 36 year old kid, who builds better models than me and also appears on these pages on occasion.

T-34 Model 1940-best looking tank ever?

Or, can a tank even BE good looking? I think so. I saw a model of a T-90 the other day, man these new tanks are covered with "stuff" sticking out all over the place. I thought of my Dragon model 1940 built some years [...]

Relics from Mom's House...ancient armor artifacts....

The 70's just don't seem that long ago...gad I've been doing this awhile. I left my parent's bosom at age 27 in 1982, but plenty of bits of me remain behind in the basement, among them these plastic beasties. At the time these were state [...]

The Mother of all Zeroes…prototype #1 (ichi-ban)

Hasegawa's limited-release Zero prototype in 1/48th scale. Built this one a while ago when first released, an easy build. AFAIK there are no images in existence of this machine so we can only hope Hasegawa got it right. The engine/cowling [...]

LaGG-ing behind-the theme lurches on….LTD version..

Before ICM there was the only ballgame in town, LTD Model's limited-run 1/48 LaGG. At least it is actually 1/48, I have heard the ICM is a tad underscale. The size difference is noticeable. As mentioned, I reaLLy likE LaGGs so I tried my [...]

How far can a LaGG-3 theme go……?

Not too far I betcha but let's see for the helluvit. This too is the ICM kit and as Tom says it has a mishmash of early LaGG features, but oh well. To me this is one of the hottest looking of WW2 aircraft, all pointy and streamlined, too [...]

Tamiya Mark IV “Male” WW1 tank

The one that started it all is Tamiya's first WW1 kit. And a beauty it is, molding, fit, packaging, all are top quality. And, it "Runs", having a little electric motor and drive, with track links that snap together perfectly, and [...]

Looky what I got yesterday….plus other things….

Tamiya's spankin'-new big ticket item, the WW one Mark IV tank. It's motorized! Yup it comes with motors, gears, beautiful working tracks and a 5-man squad to walk alongside. There's a lot of beautifully molded parts in this box. This [...]

2014 IPMS Nats Hampton Virginia Pics – Part 3

Still random. No the P-40 in the header is not mine.This is the end of 'em folks, including some shots of the vendor room and the Embassy Suites where we stayed, what a great hotel. Sorry about some of the fuzzy fotos, I'm a piker with a [...]

2014 IPMS Nats Hampton Virginia Pics – Part 2

Continuing with a random selection of pics from the IPMS USA Nationals...

Sorry to report, the Gladiator was shot down….

Some of you might remember I was building a 1/32 Sea Gladiator for the Nats, thanks to all who wished me well but 'twas not to be. The competition was pretty intense, including several Wingnut Wings thingies. (That's my excuse, and I'm [...]