All about AFV and related military model making.
This is the soviet MAZ-543 transporting the legendary missile SCUD-B in the Iraq version. This is a re-boxed Toxso kit from 2014 but a really god one; not recemended for beginners in my opinion. The missile can be mounted to the launcher [...]
This will be the companion for the jeep I recently posted. I’ve debated about adding more storage and weathering but decided to wait until I create the actual diorama I have planned. Until the figures get painted, the M-8 is done so here [...]
There's plenty of info out there on this one, so won't go hunting and pecking too much. Just suffice to say, this one was the load carrier of the Panzer divisions for most of the war. Tamiya just came out with two "F" versions, [...]
Another 1/48 gem from Tamiya.
1:35 Takom painted with Tamiya and weathered with oils
Figure Model Cellar painted with oils
Another Trumpeter winner, positioned with 1/72 Dora railroad gun. It is hard to believe that the Dora was twice as big as the formidable Leopold.
No building issues with this kit. Highly recommend
I'm finally up to date on my posts here.
The Versuchskampffahrzeug (abbreviated to VK or Vs.Kfz.) is a German term meaning "research/experimental fighting vehicle". Used in the names of some German experimental or prototype [...]
Well, another spurt today. Body painted (tried preshading), wheels and tires painted and added. Just need to repair the parts I ham fistedly knocked off doing the turret!
Next I'm going to try and get some figures for her...
Well, at long last I've been able to do a small amount of modelling.
This is the turret from my Meng Leopard C2 Mexas. It's got the thermal clad turret, which is a replacement one. I can't remember which manufacturer, but I do know it [...]
Although it did not reach operational service, the Rheintochter surface to air missile was well into its experimental stages. The development program however, was terminated towards the end of the War.
The kit represents a mobile version [...]