Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.
This is how this aircraft appeared in the 1964 season. Flown in a stock cofiguration.
Tamiya 1/48. The "Seattle Miss" name & the Space Needle logo are homemade decals, the registration number is a dry transfer & [...]
Here is my recently (and freshly) finished model. This is 1/48 Tamiya P-47 D30 Thunderbolt with the markings of Turkish Air Force (TuAF). The base kit is Tamiya’s P-47 M .
It is built OOB except for Eduard seat belts, instrument panel [...]
Here is my Hasegawa 1/48 A-7E 'Valions' .
I had started this one back in '06 or '07 and when I got to the LE flaps I sort of ran out of steam with it so it sat on the shelf of doom until last year when I finally dusted it off and decided [...]
The kit itself is built OOB other than seat belts. The decals came from Cutting Edge and Aeromaster. I always find it suprising that airplanes as well-documented as VF-17's leading ace Ike Kepford's is keep turning up done wrong. [...]
Yellow Wings decals,fully rescribed and riveted, a lot of scratchbuilding in the interior, then just careful fitting and sanding to get a clean build. Haven't seen the Great Wall one, but I think these old legacy kits are a lot of fun and [...]
This is the Fujimi kit with Verlinden seats. The kit missile pylons did not fit very well and were exchanged for a set of pylons from the Hasegawa Tomcat. Also, Superscale decals were used to give this Tomcat the markings of VF-142 [...]
Last kit completed before I moved to Seattle, haven't gotten my spot set up yet here to keep work going on my F-84.
An SBD with invasion stripes. Actually an A-24B, used by the Armee de l'Air during the battles for the French channel ports in 1944-45. Decals came from a European release of the kit, large tail wheel from the spares box.
One more drop to Luftwaffe collection... Kurt Tank's masterpiece redesigned version of Fw-190D. Altough PCM kit is a iron nut I am happy to completed reasonable finish.
Happy modelling
This was built 7 years ago with the markings of “KG-100”. OOB built except for the Superscale decal sheet #48-838. Painting was done with Gunze Sangyo acrylics. Paint scheme is well known RLM 70/71 over RLM 65
Happy Modelling