iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.

FMA IA.58 Pucará (1/72 Special Hobby)

FMA IA.58 Pucará (Special Hobby 1/72) A-511 Grupo de Ataque 3 - BAM Malvinas, pilot mayor Carlos Tomba. This aircraft was shot down on the 21st may 1982 by Lt Cdr "Sharkey" Ward piloting the Sea Harrier XZ451/006. Mayor Tomba [...]


I know I cannot prove it, but this is the first 1:72 F-15 kit I have ever built, and I've been nailing bits of plastic together since 1970 ! - Bought this for the massive sum of 10.00 GBP from Phils' Model Shop in Southport back in 1990, [...]

Tamiya 1/72 Messerschmitt Bf-109G-6

Tamiya 1/72 Messerschmitt Bf-109G-6. I finished this up early last month, but didn't feel like shooting it until today. Built out of the box, with only ceramic wire antenna added. Airbrushed with MRP RLM 74/75/76.

Piaggio-Pegna P.c.7

Hello everyone! This time I share with you a subject that is closer to my heart. It is a strange, but beautiful, as a real italian engineering creation. It was develepoed for one reason, to win the well known Schneider Trophy for Italy in [...]

Mach2's Arado Ar232B transport

This build is part of the 'Imperial German...' group build, and given the age of the model and presentation of the parts, it is definitely a challenge. However, I'm pleased with the eventual outcome and this represents about two months of [...]

Airfix Dehavilland Vampire T11

Yes, this is a starter kit, but, the fit is INCREDIBLE. Did this for a break from the Victory (which is slowly coming along) No filler was required, and all paints used were by Vallejo. Decals went down well with "set" & [...]

Tamiya Messerschmitt Bf109E-4/TropBlack-8 2.JG27

Presenting the well known Messerschmitt Bf109E-4/Trop, Black-8 of 2.JG27, in the famous dotted desert scheme. During our last holiday in Greece, we took the opportunity to visit Spiros @fiveten and his lovely family. It was a special and [...]

1/48 AMT/ERTL Boston III (early)Desert Air War Group Build

The DB-7B/Boston Mk III was the exported British version of the Douglas A-20C mid-1941. So many Bostons were modified and assembled on British airfields and elsewhere that it can be difficult to pinpoint the actual airframe model just by [...]

Copper State Models 1/32 Caudron G.III

This is a very well designed model. The building experience is much like Wingnut Wings models. The surface areas are crisp with good fabric rendition. Instructions are detailed, but not confusing. You may want to go back and forth through [...]

Monogram B-24D "Sleepy / The Squaw" Bond Tour Markings in 1/48th Scale

I have always really liked the B-24 and have built a few of these kits over the years. Ungainly looking, and never getting the love from the press and many aircrews that the B-17 did, I still love it. When I was young I read a lot of [...]