iModeler Sci-fi

Science fiction, fantasy and mecha model building.

The AMG Hornet Anti-Gravity Bike

This AG build was an inspiration base on Adrian Quillet 3D art Hover-bike, but the original design concept was made by Mehrdad Malek. I came up with my own version to try and avoid replicating it 100%. I kit-bashed this using the T-Armata [...]

5 Model Bandai Star Wars Mini Model Jam

Since taking over the Star Wars Model license for Asia from Fine Molds, Bandai has consistently produced easy to build model kits for the Star Wars fanboy/girl. They have several lines including a line of mini kits for those lacking the [...]

I miss my masters

This a post apocalyptic diorama based on an idea that every human was wiped out a long time ago and only some loyal "servants" like this utility bot still wander around. Scratchbuilt elements with the use of some Gundam model [...]

iModeler at the movies, Star Wars

Hi all, here is my post for imodeler at the movies. I tried to post this through the group page but it wouldn't take(It's still the 10th in my part of the Southern Hemisphere). These are my favourite characters because they are truly make [...]

Starfury launch bay

This is the old Revel Babylon 5 starfury kit. I wanted to make a nicer stand for it than the kit offering and, anyway, one thing led to another and I ended up with a scratch built launch cradle and bay. The kit has a few modifications [...]

Bandai AT-ST “Chicken Walker”

Just finished my most recent build, Bandai’s 1/48th scale AT-ST. Painted with Mission Models painted a weathered with Ammo of Mig oilbrushers. Despite knowing that Bandai plastic reacts poorly to any solvent based products I pushed my [...]

“I’m Back” Hans Ulrich Rudel

This is a Hasagawa MaK series Falke Anti Gravity Kannon Vogel. Built this a few years ago. I traditionally don't care for building SciFi models, but that's not to say I don't like SciFi, because I do. This Hasagawa kit pulled me into the [...]

ED-209 “You are illegally parked on private property! “

Almost missed the deadline for the iModeler at the movies build! In the unspecified time frame of Paul Verhoven's 1987 film RoboCop a corporation called Omni Consumer Products has entered a contract with Old Detroit to fund and manage the [...]

Hammy und Heidi MAIM Front 46 Gefechstroboter Hammerschlag Schwabenland Army 1/35

Hello! What if, this is my first job on science fiction. Who would have liked to try myself in an area that was unknown to me. Well, we managed to get this together. I hope like it.

Moonlander finished

Finished the 1/350 Pegasus Hobbies Moonlander last night. This was a really fun project outside of what I usually build. I used Mission Models paints throughout and added a few LEDs to give it some drama. I also used the excellent [...]