iModeler Ships

Naval modeling - ships, submarines and boats.

USS ENTERPRISE CVN-65 Circa 2001 (1/350 MHM, Old Trumpeter kit).

After more than 1 1/2 years, +3500 parts and +1000 hours of work, finished the USS Enterprise, renovated and upgrade model. Added many(many) improvements… Styrene plastruct sheet, rod, strip..hanger deck, ss radars and platform island, [...]


When I was a kid, my nextdoor neighbor, several years my elder, went into the Navy. He wound up in the Riverine force. He was on either a Swift or a PBR. When Tamiya came out with their PBR, I jumped at the chance to build it. I thought [...]

1/700 USS Lexington Coral Sea May 1942

Trumpeter 1/700 USS Lexington with some etched brass details . Nice build overall pretty accurate. Water & base are a combination of Golden Gel gloss and Hodge Podge, multiple layers of color and cotton used for waves. Hope you [...]

HMS HOOD by Meng

I wanted to try one of these little toon kits for a long time now. They go together well and with some spare parts and a little weathering turn out to be very interesting. Hope you guys like it!

Salvage of a wrecked submarine

This Nichimo 1/200 I-19 Japanese Submarine was a Christmas gift to me from my parents in about 1977 , or so. Over the years it’s gotten a little “ war weary”, dusty, and beat up looking. I was considering finally throwing it [...]

Video: Revell 1/144 U-Boot TypeVII C/41 German Submarine Scale Model

1/350 SOVIET CRUISER MOLOTOV WW2scratch build

This is my first ‘ scratch build ‘ and it’s taken me a good 5 months. I have done a couple of couple of conversions before such as the POLA / GRAF SPEE ( which I will post next in her pre-River Plate raiding look which includes ALL [...]

D-25 Jorge JuanDestroyer Spanish Navy

It is about the conversion of the Uss Sullivans to the Jorge Juan of the Spanish Navy, ex-McGowan DD-678, belonging to the Fletcher class and which was transferred by the US on December 1, 1960. The Trumpeter kit is quite It can be [...]

Revell Offshore Power Boat 1 36

Revell Offshore Power Boat 1 36 custom

Revell 1/108 Harbour Tug Boat

Calling this done - my Revell 1/108 Harbour Tug Boat. According to the date on the bottom of the hull this was molded in 1975, even though researching the kits history it first came out in 1955. There are three very small crew members to [...]