Reports from modeling shows, air displays and similar events.
Greetings, fellow modelers. I would like to present some pictures from the competition organized by our club KPM Jindrichuv Hradec (Czech Republic) on 30.3. 2019. You can find out more about our competition here: (link)
Roman Czech [...]
Euro Model Expo (EME) is the biggest plastic modeling gig in Germany that traditionally occupies last weekend in March. This year, in its 11th manifestation, it occurred on 30th -31st of March in town of Lingen. Your humble narrator made [...]
Had an enjoyable day attending the annual Roscoe Turner model show in Indianapolis this Saturday. A very well attended show with over 600 models on display, plus plenty of vendors with good deals to be had. Below is just a small sample of [...]
Here are some of the aircraft, and military vehicles that were to be seen in Bytom this last weekend. These picture galleries do not do justice to the great quality and variation of the models exhibited at the show, but I hope they’ll [...]
The model show in Bytom is the largest one in Poland and the one with the longest tradition. As opposed to the shows in Telford, Moson and Lingen, where you hear all the languages of Europe when you walk between the tables looking at the [...]
SilverCon 2019 was held in Sacramento California last weekend. Another great contest with high quality entries and great vendors.
Also, I picked up a 1st place in small scale armor with my 1/72 M1A2 Abrams SEP TUSK II by Tiger Models and [...]
Had the privilege to attend the IPMS Columbus, Ohio model show where 486 models were on display. Some exceptional work for all to see plus lots of vendors, and some good deals to be had. Bonus was three iModelers' came to discuss and [...]
I attended the annual model show (Modelfiesta) of the Alamo Squadron of IPMS today. I don't enter models anymore, but I like to go find good stuff at the vendors and take some pictures of the entries. I get to the show when it first [...]
Hello to you all.
I've just returned from a multiday visit to the International Toyfair in Nuremberg. This year it was the 70th edition of this major event.
While working as a official press photographer for a die-cast modelcar magazine I [...]
Well my first trip to IPMS Bolton, as well as they're first proper venue so I was told, soon kicked off 2019 in a great format for the travelling modellers! A lot of exhibitors as well as traders to be found both on ground floor and 1st [...]