Well I have been a little busy for the last few weeks, and I have not had any time to really sit down and get going again with the build, to be perfectly honest, I have also had a severe lack of motivation.
I have finished scratch building [...]
Almost finished with the SWS Zoukei-Mura 1/32 Ho-229. The body and wing panels are removable to show off the nifty interior parts. The underside of the wing and center section will be given the plywood treatment, and I have to do a little [...]
This is the current build on my workbench. It is the Italeri boxing of this nicely featured and detailed 1/48 scale aircraft model. I didn't know much about this particular model and performed no research prior to purchase. Basically I [...]
It's late December 1990, Lt Cdr Jack Morris and Lt Diego Juarez have been patrolling the Persian Gulf for the last 3 weeks. Activity has increased recently as the Brits farther North have encountered several suspected blockade runners [...]
And one more bit, this time something with a panzer. Conquering British Positions in Africa in the Sidi Rezegh Area in 1941. Dragon Kit, Master Box Figures. Roman.
Hallo, this is one of my last works, this is a firing position from Germany in 1945. I tried to keep the attached photographs. Kit is from Dragon, figurines are from different manufacturers.
William Joyce, the Irish-American better known as ‘Lord Haw Haw’, was hanged as a traitor in Wandsworth Prison in January 1946. His failed appeal had gone to the House of Lords, as he argued that being an American citizen, also a [...]
Dear Friends,
may I present you my latest project, a F-14B in a Low Viz Scheme of the famous Jolly Rogers...Kit is a Hasegawa with some goodies from eduard and Aires-Nozzles. Hope you like it, Cheers, Christian