This is a review of the new (2017) Airfix model kit of the ever popular P-51D Mustang in 1/48 scale. Box number is A05131. I suspect we don´t need to waste any time and space on the P-51 history so we go straight to the review.
The kit is [...]
I was looking at Rob's Post, and I actually thought that I built a few models, I actually only built 2...Quite shabby if I must say so.
I was a great year, I tried scratch building, and I really enjoyed making something from [...]
The 1/48 Spitfire from Eduard
A good model without problems, the only problem for me is the scale, I usually work with 1:32 and this is my first 1:48 is a gift for a colleague.
He asked me at this scale for size issues.
But for my eyes it [...]
I give to you the 1/48 Hasegawa F-8E VF-162 . Painted with Tamiya and MRP paints. Decals was off the Afterburner Yankee Station Mig Killers . Nice to have another shelf of doom project finished [...]
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that to all in iModeler land! I like doing year in review, so maybe you guys could post your years out put as well. Also I have made progress on my Devastator, scratch building interior parts. The [...]
Next year on April 1st, as many of you will know, the Royal Air Force is 100 years old.
I thought that this might be something we could commemorate here on iModeler.
It is a rich history:
Knowing that The Year of the Cat group build [...]
Convair F-102 Delta Dagger, 431 Fighter Interceptor Squadron "Red Devils", Zaragoza, Espana, 1962. I made this model from the Meng 1/72 set in 2014, without any additions, just straight from the box.
1/72 Hasegawa, Falcon conversion, some of, plus my own modifications, Engines and things resin engines, Pavla cockpit, these modified slightly, I added some scratch built guns, rockets, exhausts, nose gear leg and search light, finished in [...]
This is the Hobbyboss FW-190D-11 in 1/48. Its a nice kit, with good engineering and crisp, delicate recessed detail. It requires a little modification to be an accurate D-11 (mis-located wing guns, no upper or lower wing bulges, upper gun [...]