My first 1/24 scale car! Quite a nice size model when finished and good fun to boot. Rather than try and spray the mica finish I left the main body unpainted,
Just completed the Airfix 1/72 F4F-4. Markings depict Lt. "Swede" Vejtasa's white 19 of VF-10 on board USS Enterprise in Oct of 1942 during the Guadalcanal Campaign. Painted with MRP paints. Added gunsight glass, some Eduard PE [...]
Trumpeter 1/48 scale F9F-2 built straight out of the box just adding etched seat belts.
Aeromaster sea blue was used to paint the model using the decals supplied.
The base is resin PSP planking painted with humbrol metalcote with markings [...]
Hi, using this as a kind of introduction, few pictures of my recent build, i am one very lazy modeller so i won´t be posting much. For now i just want to explore how this all works and questions will come later, cheers.
This is the Eduard kit built straight from the box. Stainless steel wire rigging, lead sheet seat belt, painted with Humbrol enamels. You could call the “N” the world’s first fighter plane. Enjoyable project if you can find a kit. [...]
I have always been a bit of a gadget man and so when 3D printers first appeared on the scene some years ago it was like a moth to a flame. However, at that time I was unable to find a suitable CAD package that was capable of 3D modelling, [...]
So here he is, Verlinden's 120mm SS Trooper in the Ardennes. As I said in my build article I chose to do this guy different than was intended. He is in the M44 Camouflage uniform in Dot pattern on the box, including pants, and appears as [...]