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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

Eduard 1/48 Bf-109G-2

The Bf-109G in Finnish Service: During the Winter War of 1939-40, Finland obtained 24 Brewster B-239 fighters, which were the first completely-modern fighters to equip the air force. These were U.S. Navy F2A-1s, and became the first-line [...]

HMS Victory – 750 Hours In

I thought I'd post a few WIP photos of HMS Victory, as I'm now 750 hours into the project. With the hull, deck and its accoutrements now complete, from now on, everything goes up/out from the decks. The cannonades and 32-pounders have [...]

Have You got enough Comet at home?

Hi Everyone! This is my 1:72 DH.88 Comet collection as part of my "Grand plan" to collect all Macrobertson race participant airplane. Two of them are made from the old Airfix kit (with lot of modifications) and the green one is [...]

German Battlecruiser SMS Seydlitz

Battlecruisers were a hybrid type of ship, invented by the British in 1906. They were designed to have the firepower of a battleship combined with the speed of a cruiser. To achieve this, the armor had to be reduced, which turned out to be [...]

AMK Mig-31

Here are a few pictures of my AMK Mig-31 which I finished recently. This will be featured in Model Airplane International soon. This is a superb kit, the way it has been engineered to fit together hiding almost all the seams is wonderful. [...]

Jindivik towed target

The Jindivik drone could be fitted with a number of pods, wing extensions, flares and towed targets. The photos are showing the target that is displayed with the JIndivik at the Classic Jets Fighter Museum at Parafield, South Australia. [...]

Monogram R-4D/C-47

Wanting to do a c-47/DC-3 for awhile now, but being space challenged even with 1/72 multi engine birds, and 1/144 being to fiddly for my aged fingers, I compromised on Monograms 1/90ish kit. Got it online a 1983 issue of Puff the Magic [...]

Video: Pfalz E. I Eindecker in 1:48, Stopmotion, Special Hobby

A little experimental stopmotion by combining a similar 3D model, I did earlier, to the already built beautiful aircraft from special hobby. The model is mostly painted with colours from Alclad II (metallic and milspecs). Additional parts [...]

EADS Barracuda UAV

EU Goes UAV European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS) UAV project Barracuda is a joint venture between Germany and Spain. Its official debut was at the 2006 ILA Berlin show. The prototype crashed into the sea during a test [...]

GAF Jindivik Mk 303A

And now to something completely different...a drone! In 1948 development begun in Australia to find a suitable unmanned aircraft for missile test purposes. In 1950 a manned prototype called Pika was flown for the first time and the [...]