My first model ship since my age was single digits, many, many moons ago...
Trumpeter 1/350 H.M.C.S. Huron, '1944' per package. I think that may be true as many features of the superstructure are more complex or not shown at all on the box [...]
This fourth model gallery from the 2015 Scale Modelworld in Telford is devoted to 1/48 and 1/72 scale aircraft modeling.
Don’t forget to check all the other parts of our coverage: (link)
Here’s another gallery of scale aircraft models on display at the 2015 Scale Modelworld in Telford. These are the World War I models on display n the competition area.
Don’t forget to check all the other parts of our coverage: (link)
Here’s another gallery of scale aircraft models on display at the 2015 Scale Modelworld in Telford. These are the civlian aircrat and helicopter categories.
Don’t forget to check all the other parts of our coverage.
In Telford, Kinetic has been showing their forthcoming kit releases. These include, among other items, a 1/24 scale P-47D Razorback. There were also seemingly almost complete sets of sprues for 1/48 Super Etendard and a Sukhoi Su-33 [...]
It would appear that we have some serious internet connection problems in the area, whic has been interrupting our posting workflow. Hopefully I'll be able to post this. Here's the overview of scale aircraft models on display in the [...]
Make my own stands for aircraft. I mostly use coffee sticks but I'm trying to be more inventive and upcycle other things as well. This is the latest for my 1/72 Red Arrows Gnat. First Jet I've finished and quite happy with the result. [...]
In Telford, Zoukei-Mura had their forthcoming 1/32 scale Dornier Do 335 on display, and it sure looked like a very impressive kit!
A surprising news from the same company is the forthcoming 1/48 scale... F-4J Phantom. The depicted model is [...]