The TERRIER missile was a supersonic beam riding anti-aircraft missile with a 10 mile range. It was launched by a solid fuel booster (blue section) and propelled by a solid fuel sustainer rocket (yellow section). The Terrier was 15' in [...]
Hello all,
I'd like to share with you some thoughts about modeling. I think most of us are aware of the restrictions placed upon us concerning modeling. With restrictions I mean modeling space, financial things, family things, CATS, [...]
The HB 262s are the best compromise at the moment. Outline wise it still is the old Monogram leading the charts. It is a greater effort to close all the mad riveter holes than to create "rivet replicas". What I donĀ“t like with [...]
this is the revell 1/72nd scale british vosper m.t.b i scratch build the radar mast
and placed a single 50 cal on tripod on the foredeck i had the pt-73 decals custom made by a friend
this i also used a lindberg 1/64th scale pt-109 hull and scratch built everything up i based it on a 2008 72' vicem classic flybridge cruiser i saw in an issue of yachting magazine