Well here she is completed! Did not add every bit of PE, and since detail shots of Wilkes are hard to find I had to be creative and use other ships close to her configuration for things like the floater net baskets, but I am pretty happy [...]
Hey there's a theme here somewhere's. Here's my 1/32 Hasegawa Hien, in the colors of 18 Sentai, on home defense. Some pretty tailfeathers I think. All markings are sprayed on 'cept numbers and letters and the kill eagles. Base is my usual [...]
I thought I'd try to back date the F9F-5 to the 2 version, and so, rounded the tail a little. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but it looked ok to me. My collection needed a "Blue Angel", and I thought this would be a good [...]
Well this my second posting the Mustang III, done in natural finish.
The kit went together as any Tamiya kits do. The wings were a tight fit but hardly any filler used any where,. Had a bit if a nightmare with the colour scheme, I was [...]
This is the beautiful Hasegawa ki.61-I tei, converted from the Ki.61-I hei using the Wolfpack resin nose for the extended cowling to make the "long nose" Tony. It is marked as the well-known "celebrity" Tony flown by [...]
This is just for fun -- one of the float planes from the IJN Tone, an Aichi Jake. It took about 2 1/2 hours each to build the nine planes I had on the cruiser's after deck.
Now, I've acquired a PE set to add cockpits and under wing [...]
Here is an older build of Japan's only in-line engine powered fighter, commonly called Tony. This is in a New Guinea scheme, which began as natural metal, but was quickly over sprayed. I think the Japanese had a strange sense of humor [...]
The Z class was Germany's answer to the fascination with the so-called Super Destroyer of WWII. France had the Fantastique; England had the Tribal class. Originally envisioned as a flotilla leader, Germany tried to trump the [...]