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Early He-111s

I’ve always wanted a He-111B Pedro to go with my SCW collection. I’ve been kicking myself for not getting the Cutting Edge conversion for the Monogram kit eons ago. The reviews I’ve read by builders of the Roden 1:72 kit sounded [...]

Another Good Year Of Modeling As 2024 Draws To A Close

It's been a real treat to be able to devote more time to modeling now and even though 2024 was not quite as productive as 2023, I still managed to get five done. But what was special about it for me was the chance to try out several new [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 Fieseler Skoda FiSK 199

In 1942 plans were made to enable the 109 to carry a large 500kg bomb. The Fieseler company designed the modifications. An auxiliary undercarriage leg was fitted under the center of the fuselage to clear the bomb from the ground. This leg [...]

J4F-1 Widgeon. Brand new kit from Kovozavody Prostejov 1/72

(link) As you have noticed, I have recently excelled in projects concerning flying boats. However, until now I have not dared to make a sea surface. This changed with the last project. In fact, completely by accident I found a new product [...]

The Class of 2024; Completed Builds, (And one that might soon be...?) for the past year...

This past year, 2024, was by far my most productive year as far as completing kits is concerned. My usual output is between five to eight kits depending on time. This year I made the most of the time I had and completed twelve model [...]

Fokker D. VI, 1:32, Roden, Lt. Kurt Seit, Jasta 80, 5 victories

So I found a little more time to finish this kit before the end of the year, which was sitting unfinished in the closet for a long time due to very bad, unusable decals. I ended up using HGW decals and my home made. Completely redesigned [...]

Air Guard F-16C

This is the Academy 1/48 scale F-16A/C kit. It’s not as detailed as many of the newer F-16 kits that are available , but it isn’t a terrible kit. I’ve had some Super Scale decals for Air National Guard & Reserve F-16s for [...]

"American Samurai"F-15J Eagle, 1/72

Hi folks, I finally managed to finish something: The amazing F-15J Eagle from Fine Molds in 1/72 scale. I used Kris Sieber's "Ink" weathering method, because his F-15 build really inspired me. Additionally, I... scratch built [...]

ARMA Models P-39 1:72

Modeling inspiration can come from many sources, history books, stories, movies, documentaries, real life experiences or maybe just our imagination. Often, a new tooled high-quality kit that gets great reviews does it for me. ARMA Hobby [...]

My 2024

Atlantis re-pop of Monogram's Snoopy's Dog House, the big project of the year my 4th Armored Division 1945, and Monogram D0-335 "what if" build. Not sure what to do next...