This is a simple kit... when you do it OOB, in this case I made some scratch in it... actually a lot
I build the Nose Guns Compartment, Wheel bay, some scratch in the cockpit. and massive modifications in the hul in order to scratchbuild [...]
This is a build I started a few months ago as a side project and have slowly got round to finishing this last week. When I was researching for a previous Corsair build I came across this very unique one off scheme and knew I had to add it [...]
Some kit manufacturers are blatantly fast in developing new products that relate to recent developments in the news.
Trumpeter certainly is in the field of Armor models, with a T-72B3 variant featured of a rooftop cage in welded steel, [...]
Dawn was already rising with Double Wartime Dalight Savings at 0200, June 6, 1944, to reveal cloudy skies from horizon to horizon. The rumble of 48 Pratt and Whitney R-2800s reverberated across the quiet English countryside that surrounded [...]
A long time ago I’ve decided to do every machine thet flew under the banner of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force. I’ve done Ca310, many Bf109s, Ik-3,Bf108… So, the time has come for something unique, Dornier. But Do17 in K variant. This [...]
So, this is my dad´s final contribution to the French at war theme. Tamiya P-47M kit, drop tank from a Tamiya P-47 Razorback kit, BLU-27 napalm canisters from a Hasegawa weapon set, antenna wire with elastic thread, Eduard seatbelts. All [...]
I bought this kit on the cheap from a popular online auction site. The finished product falls into the "6 footer" category. Stay 6 feet back and it looks like a P-51 Step a little closer and you will see the thick decals, poor [...]
Hi all, haven't posted here for a while. This is the 1/32 Hasegawa P40E Warhawk built as a Kiwi bird from the OTU. Took a little while to complete but reasonably happy with the outcome. Thanks
I had planned on doing a side by side build of this Airfix kit and the 109 G6 by Tamiya. However, I messed up the paint job on the Tamiya kit and I’m still contemplating how I’m going to fix it without having to strip the entire model. [...]