A while back there was a story running on the news about incoming flights to LAX with pilots reporting that a guy flying in a jet pack was flying at 3000 feet. Going the opposite direction and a little close for comfort. The problem [...]
The Model T, the most famous Ford of all time, was the first car that was really mass-produced. It is this single model that reinvigorated transportation around the world. Over fifteen million T models were sold in the nineteen years it [...]
This is the new Airfix kit built as an Australian bird that was assigned to 8 Squadron, RAAF, in Malaya in 1941-42. 8 Squadron was a Hudson bomber unit so we can surmise that this Moth was a squadron utility hack. I found a photo of it [...]
One of my all-time jet favourites, it somehow just looks so right to me that I couldn't put off building one any longer. Kinetic looked good although the instructions were a bit short on detail. The 'net more than made up for it though, [...]
Hi everyone
I recently completed this 20 year old kit. This is a decent multimedia kit with few build issues and makes for a relatively quick build. You don't have to worry about landing gear or gear bays! I have also done a writeup [...]
Some pics of an old build. Finished with Model Master paints and 3m tape for the camo. I used a masking set for the glass, although I don't remember the brand. (probably Eduard)
I had to get creative with the radar antennae since the kit [...]
The 318th Fighter Group mainly had a mixed bag of P-39's, P-40's and P-47D's in a training defensive role over the Hawaiian Islands, limited to their range until the US had captured the Marianas. The P-47N first arrived on scene in June [...]
It is a kit from Hasegawa, simple and painted only with brush. I had many years to build an Italian ww2 plane and i enjoyed the camo , for the North African front.
The MB-155 was the last development of the Marcel Bloch 150 series to see service. This is in the markings of GC I/1 Cne Germain Coutaud, who scored 8 victories in 1940 in the MB-152 and 155, making him one of the few Bloch aces (perhaps [...]