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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

Star Blazers Yamato

I have always been a huge fan of the Yamato from the anime series Star Blazers, so, I treated myself to the 1/500th Scale Yamato from Bandai. This is an exquisite kit with perfect fits and an amazing model-shelf presence once completed. [...]

Skyhawk A4 Esci 1/48

I Know this is the second Israeli A4 today but that is purely co-incidence guys ,this is the very old Esci offering that I picked up cheap years ago and has been gathering dust ever since. I bought the decal sheet from Hannants to build [...]


This model is a "GEM" to build and I did what we call here in America; "A Bang Up Job." I have quite a few top quality "in-progress" building images that I though would make a good two-part story. Study the [...]

Sci-fi Airship

This was based on a sketch by artist Rob Turpin. It was my first attempt at scratch building. It’s a weird design, but I really liked it right away. It reminded me of science fiction paperback covers from the 70s and 80’s and the [...]

Luftwaffe flying saucer

A small diorama for all the conspiracy theorists out there. This is the Revell 1/72 Haunebu flying saucer dissolving a Russian tank with its ‘death beam’. In all fairness the kit does not actually come with such a weapon (instead it [...]

P-51D Tamiya 1/32 Scale All metal skin! "Tattie Bus"

Well here she is! This will be my last metal skin build for a while! Such a pain to do this technique lol. This is the 1/32 scale Tamiya kit, nice kit, few fit issues but nothing really bad. The metal is the difficult part, hand cutting [...]

Porsche 356C Cabriolet (Revell GmbH 07043)

At long last, Finished! (more about that later). I took the paint inspiration from several 1-1 cars I found online. The body is a blend of decanted Tamiya spray: British Racing Green, Brilliant Blue, and White. The interior is two [...]

Wingnut wings Dh2

Wingnut wings Dh2 32nd scale Only my second wnw kit ,entirely painted with tamiya acrylics Spark plug leads are made from 0.15 brass wire wrapped around a 0.3 drill bit to create the spring and the cockpit wire bracing has a 0.8mm disk at [...]

Hobby Boss Douglas A-4E Skyhawk 1/48

Hobby Boss Douglas A-4E Skyhawk in 1/48, converted to IAF A-4 Ahit from the 147 squadron “Flying Ibex”. Scratchbuilt the characteristic turbine exhaust extension with 15mm styrene rod and miliput for the fairing and moulding. Borrowed [...]

1:32 Trumpeter TBF Avenger

About a year ago I added a 1:32 TBF Avenger to my stash thinking it would be something I worked on in the long dark days of winter. It’s a huge carrier-based bird and I wanted to build one. Then the virus & quarantine hit and my wife [...]