iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.

Sikorsky SH-3D – Airfix 1/72 scale

The Marinha do Brasil received the first four units of the Sikorsky SH-3D from the USA, delivered through USS-America carrier in 1970. These helicopters came to compose the First Anti Submarine Squad, located in the Naval Air Base of São [...]

Fast Ford- Tamiya 1/72 F4D-1 Skyray

Hi all, Wow how the world has changed since I last posted on here! Hope this finds everyone safe and healthy. Anyway, here is my latest build. The masterful super kit by Tamiya of the Douglas F4D-1 Skyray, in 1/72. I choose to paint mine [...]

AC-47, Monogram C-47 Conversion in 1/48th

This was my second attempt at the AC-47. The Spooky was so incredible I built one back in the 1980's. This one 20 plus years later had the help of a resin kit for the guns and gun sight. I re-scribed all the panel lines and made the [...]

Help RequiredMosquito RCAF 418 Squadron

Hi Everyone, I hoping someone can help me out with a decal sheet for a new project. Long story short is that I walk a dog for my neighbor, a lovely elderly lady who knows about my passion for aviation and history. She told me about her [...]


This is one of my many Tamiya 1/32 Spitfires. It's the aircraft flown by W.O. Murray Lind of 485(NZ) squadron in 1945. I was fortunate enough to acquire a brief copy of his history as written by his son Alan. I also referred to the RNZAF [...]

J2M3 Raiden Tamiya 1/48

J2M3 Raiden Tamiya 1/48 I finished this kit recently, it has been a really fun project. The Tamiya kit doesn't have too many details, the wings had recessed panel lines and the fuselage halves had raised details, so I had to re-scribe [...]

WingNut Wings Junkers D.1...

This is my interpretation of the Junkers D.1. 5188/18 as entered in the Idflieg fighter trials of October 1918. I built this one straight from the box except for the minimal rigging. The Spandaus and seat belts are the supplied kit items [...]

1/48 Roden OV-1C Mohawk

This is the 1/48 Roden OV-1C Mohawk. I used Quickboost resin propellers, scoops, and exhaust. For the small details Eduard photo etch sets for the cockpit and exterior. This is a difficult kit in terms of fit especially the canopy. Even [...]

Review: Eduard 1/48 Lysander Limited Edition review

1/48 Tamiya P-47D "Cockpit Trouble" 333rd FS 318th FG Saipan 1944

Thundercals Decals Ultracast Seat and Wheels Tamiya & Mr Hobby Paints, Future Gloss, Xtracrylix Flat Happy Modelling!