iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.

Trumpeter 1/32 P-38 Lightnings

Mark's really nice Trumpeter P-38 reminded me I hadn't shown any of my Trumpeter P-38s. They are: P-38L OOB other than seat belts and Eagle Edition decals, to do Tommy McGuire's last "Pudgy." P-38H done as McGuire's first [...]

P-40N flown by Lt. Jack A. Fenimaore, 7th FS, 49th FG

I have no further information on Lt. Fenimore but he must have been a good guy because of the name and painting he put on his aircraft. Again,the kit is from Mauve and I found it to be very good. OOB it is good but if one wanted to go hog [...]

P-40N flown by Lt. Joel B. Paris III, 7th FS, 49th FG

Lt Paris was born in Atlanta, GA in 1922. He entered the USAAF in March of 1942 He completed flight training and was commissioned in February of 1943. He was sent to the SWPA and was assigned to the 7th FS, of the 49th FG. He is credited [...]

1950's Model Aircraft Rewind

Like many of you, I've built my share of models when I was a youngster. And perhaps like me, your model inventory got thinned out on the 4th of July. For some unknown reason the models I present today are an anomaly. Similar to the [...]

The Hindenburg

Here is something different. It's the Revell 1/720 Hindenburg very easy to put together. It was painted with floquil old silver then decaled and the windows were painted on. This was the cruise ship of the sky for crossing the Atlantic in [...]

P-38L Lightning Trumpeter 1/32

Hi Guys, Here are a few photos of a recent BMF project, with Kitsworld aftermarket decals. I also used the Eduard Big Ed etch set, which added a higher degree of complexity to the build. Thanks for looking.

Wedell-Williams Air Racer

Jimmy Haizlip's 1932 version of the Jimmy Wedell design. 1/32 Williams Bros. kit which is currently available. I chose the easiest of the three versions available in the original kit, don't know if they are all available in the current [...]

Monogram 1/48 scale CF-101B Voodoo in 425 Squadron retirement colours

Classic Monogram kit with new decals by All I did to the kit was remove every single panel line and try to get the surface as smooth as I could. The decals were applied over a custom blend of Tamiya red and orange and [...]

Another Bosworth Beauty: 1/32 Ryan B.1 Brougham"The MGM plane"

Another one from Bill. From his e-mail: In 1927 MGM contracted with Ryan to take a B1 Brougham and to convert it to carry Leo the MGM lion on a promotional tour of the East Coast. The plane was modified with the installation of a cage [...]

Anigrand all resin 1/72 MiG-31 Firefox

When this movie came out in 1982, I just had to have a model of the Firefox. Now, thanks to Anigrand and Rare-Plane Detective's booth at the Colorado Nats, I finally have one. The kit is fairly simple, consisting of appx. 26 parts, [...]