iModeler Diorama

Representing reality in miniature.

Diorama of Steven Spielberg’s 1941 Movie

A Diorama of the Movie, 1941. The diorama was built for the iModeler at the Movies Group Build. It is 1/48 scale. Everything is scratch built except for the Hasegawa P-40E and the cab of the Wespe Models Ford 917, converted to a 1939 Ford [...]

Eat your veggies87th scale

A post apocalyptic dio featuring a rusty scratchbuilt billboard from Evergreen styrene and some converted Preiser figures. The car is from Busch with some minor modifications. The billboard image was edited in Photoshop, to look like an ad.

Wehrmacht Winter 1941-42

The persistent fog of Northern Italy has contributed enormously to the photos, I hope you like it and that it gives a feeling of cold


This is a 1/35th scale Tamiya kit. I revised the vinyl base by removing the dead tree and rocks and replacing them with real rocks and a piece of a dead tree branch. I glued the base to a section of 3/8" thick styrofome and added [...]


I don't recall if all 3 models came in the same box, nor do I remember who made these 3 kits, plus the little fish. 1998 is a long time for me to remember@ 88.6 yrs old! The base was made by using some more "Plaster-of-Paris." [...]


I don't have any "in-progress" building photos, nor do I have any box-art images. The two dino's sure look like "T-REX" models, but I'm not sure. They both have pretty good eyes. It look's like I added some color when [...]


This kit was made by Tamiya and was a good kit to build o.o.b; but the builder sure messed up building it. The kit is made out of "VINLY" and not the tradition plastic that we modeler's are use to working with. The builder which [...]


Tamiya produced this 1/35th scale dinosaur kit around 2011-2012 so I bought it. If you look close at the box top you will note that the model has some nice feet with toes, however upon opening up the kit, you may be [...]


I think Tamiya made this "Vinyl" kit. It went together just fine in the o.o.b. mode. I found it somewhat difficult to sand the vinyl where the body and legs joined together, so I did the best I could. None of the expert's knew [...]

The Little Yellow Cub

Memories of the J-3 Cub. There was a time during my childhood the name “Piper Cub” was pretty much synonymous with the word “airplane.” In those days, a young boy might see a C-124 passing overhead whereupon he would exclaim, [...]