Science fiction, fantasy and mecha model building.
This is my rendering of the aerial hunter killer from Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
The kit went together well and was very Bandai-like in how the parts fit. The only modification was replacement of the molded compressor fans with resin [...]
A little diorama inspired by a friend who is very much into their conspiracy theories.
They were telling me about some UFO related phenomena of cattle mutilations (a dubious theory even by the standards of UFO believers) and i couldn't [...]
I’m by no means a Star Wars fanboy or have any Star Wars doo dads in my work cave and office nor have I watched one episode of the new Mandalorian series. Along with my future wife, I did join the jubilant sidewalk party while waiting in [...]
I love Macross (RoboTech) kits, they really are nicely made and I had so much fun with this.
I was having problems with the AK weathering pencils and watercolour pencils so I challenged myself on this build to weather only with the [...]
Anyone who's ever seen any of the films from the 'Alien' franchise knows that the first rule of space adventuring is 'stay away from the strange leathery egg things'. Unfortunately this guy did not get that memo.
A little diorama inspired [...]
Do you know what I liked most about this project? The view of our blue planet, gorgeous, precious beautiful - and impressively captured by the photographers from zero gravity! Although the idea for the presentation of the finished model [...]
My love of Star Wars started when I was 7. My Dad took me to the theater in Ashland, WI shortly after Episode IV - A New Hope opened. As we sat there eating popcorn the giant star destroyer entered the scene and just kept getting bigger. I [...]
USS Enterprise "strange new worlds", last job 2022, very nice kit, easy construction, excellent decals with aztek pattern,... metallic aluminum paint, clear red, clear blue, clear green, White, gold leaf, gunship gray...18 cm [...]
One of the more elaborate projects I've ever worked on. This was a present for a friend I teach with. The other instructors and myself all chipped in to buy this stupidly expensive model kit, I ended up purchasing a bunch more parts from [...]