iModeler Sci-fi

Science fiction, fantasy and mecha model building.

I-4100 "Ushimisako" (I-400 retrofit), lets stop being serious!

I bought this model in Telford this year and I did not know about this anime series much, although I am big fan of japanese animes and mangas. (I will fill this cultural gap soon.) When I inspected the kit, I almost immediately decided to [...]

Moon Wraith: Bandai 1/100 Hazel Owsla

It’s been a while to say the least! But here is my latest build that is finally complete after a funk, then taking months to build (procrastinating, lack of motivation, then overdrive! Lol). The moon terrain is scratch built using, [...]

Wake Rider Anti-Gravity Bike

This build was inspired by Clint Young, who is a 3D artist professional, working with Lucasfilm. I got the go ahead, to do a 3D print of his 3D art design, called Hover Hogg. The Original image of his work can be seen on Instagram, [...]

Tuk Tuk Anti-Gravity Taxi

I have been on a roll with hover vehicles since my last major 1:50 scale build. Here is one of two, anti-gravity vehicles. My version of an anti-gravity tuk-tuk taxi. A mixture of old school and sci-fi technology, with a hint of derelic [...]

Razor Crest: "The Mandalorian" From Star Wars, 1/240(approx) Bandai

Razor crest, ship from the Mandalorian series, a small model, but full of details, very good fit, only 2 days work... metallic chrome rust-oleum paint, clear blue from Tamiya, clear red from Humbrol, satin black from model master , [...]

Night Stalker

Here’s my latest build, kit-bashed from several kits from a variety of different scales & subjects. I started with a vague idea …a sort of crustacean-like thing, armoured on top, with an exposed, mechanical underbelly. I also [...]

24 - 1/650 AMT Klingon Bird of Prey

Been a while, need to update a few builds, first off the Klingon Bird of Prey. Really enjoyed this build, big and chunky parts, with nice deep recesses for detail. The kit has a lot of detail on it that makes it stand out and the colours [...]

Bandai. AT-ST , 1/48 .

1/350 "When Worlds Collide" Space Ark

Completed in 2022. This is the 1/350 Pegasus kit of the Space Ark from the 1951 movie "When Worlds Collide." I filled the panel lines on the hull because they were grossly oversized. (They exist on the original studio prop, but [...]

1/48 "The War of the Worlds" Diorama

Completed in 2022. The idea behind this diorama was to suggest the attack on Los Angeles in the 1953 movie "The War of the Worlds." Three kits were combined. Pegasus 1/48 Martian War Machine. Verlinden 1/48 Ruined Street Sections [...]