Naval modeling - ships, submarines and boats.
Following another 100 hours of work - overall project time now at 850 hours - I've reached the end of the construction phase.
As can be seen, it's now at its full dimensions, at just over a metre in length and 80 cm in height, with the [...]
HMS Warspite 1/350 Academy ... generic etch Flyhawk Royal Navy WWII ladders, inclined ladders and Railings, scratch with Plastruct improvements, British radar set from MK-1,and invisible thead .004 mm nylon. metallic anchor chains, light [...]
I thought I'd post a few WIP photos of HMS Victory, as I'm now 750 hours into the project. With the hull, deck and its accoutrements now complete, from now on, everything goes up/out from the decks.
The cannonades and 32-pounders have [...]
Battlecruisers were a hybrid type of ship, invented by the British in 1906. They were designed to have the firepower of a battleship combined with the speed of a cruiser. To achieve this, the armor had to be reduced, which turned out to be [...]
Two carriers I was associated with. First up Italeri 1/720 Saratoga. Had to correct the basic island structure and back date to Mid 1970's when I was a lowly plane captain active duty on F-4s, rearranged some sponsons, scratch built the [...]
Now three months (500 hours) into the HMS Victory project, and the main hull and decks are complete. From now on it's just what hangs from or rises out of the bulwarks.
Main bragging rights are the 5-plank pattern decks and the 108 [...]
The Pola was the last of the four Zara-class cruisers. She was laid down in Livorno/Leghorn in March 1931, launched in December 1931 and commissioned in December 1932. The Zara class cruisers were considered to be successful ships, having [...]
Hobbyboss’ Pola in 1:350 sucks. It’s the old kit from Tauro, that Hobbyboss has scaled up to 1:350. That means, that all the problems of the original kit, have been enlarged by one eight. In the process, Hobbyboss made some [...]
This is my version of the Japanese Light Cruiser Yahagi, with generic etched Flyhawk raillings, ladders and inclined ladders, Lion Roar ladders, life buoy from Dreammodels, radar from Rainbow Models, antenna from MK-1, 25 mm singles type [...]