iModeler Uncategorized

1000 articles!

Today, iModeler hit a significant milestone - our 1000th headline article. For the record, the millennium entry was Neil Foster's Tamiya Meteor prototype 1/48. Neil discovered iModeler in February; three months later, he has a solid [...]

Incom T65 x-wing Finemolds 1/48

If RJ Mitchell (god bless him) had been born a long time ago in a galaxy far far away he would have come up with this, Surely the X wing is the most fantastic space craft design ever.The Finemolds kit was typical of a Japanese kit maker [...]

I’m a happy modeller…

Hi all, Yesterday I've received this beautiful box with some lovely contents! how fast was that! Once again I'll like to thank iModeler and everyone involved on choosing my Chen Yuen and Z30 work as best of April. The Kits are superb and [...]

Ultracast 1/32 "RAF Fighter Pilot"

While my Revell/Hasegawa 1/32 Spitfire MkII project progresses, I thought I would work on its driver. As, when completed, my Spitfire will be wearing the markings of a generic aircraft from the famous 303 Polish Squadron, I thought I [...]

Airfix Bristol bloodhound 1/ 72

I was inspired to attempt this ancient kit after seeing one on the Airfix tribute forum built by a much better modeller than me,This kit is VERY basic with no interior ,no glazing and only a couple of decals. In order to improve it I added [...]

iModeler April awards

With 121 new articles and 721 comments, April was another prolific month at iModeler. Continuing our tradition, here is the announcement of our monthly winners - the models and articles that we think have especially contributed to making [...]

Happy Anniversary (Sort Of)

Today marks the 26th anniversary of my 25th birthday. Its a banner year as far as the loot is concerned, it is only 2:00 p.m. and this is what I have received so far. Ahh, its good to be king.

Yay! My “Major Award” arrived today….

My prize package from the March contest has come in. And a beauty it is. 4 Tamiya 1/48 models is a good thing, but these are even packaged pretty as a boxed set. I opened it very carefully to peruse the contents, now I have the urge to go [...]

March Random Winner

Thanks to the person with the magic fingers who pulled my name from the hat. This is the Eduard Fw190D11 1/48th Weekend Edition. It is a well molded kit with decals & stencils for one aircraft. As per the Weekend theme there is no [...]

A little video I made on YouTube!

So I thought I should post this on here considering this website is based for models 😀 (link) Remember to watch in HD for the best quality I can provide you 😀