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Fw-190D9 JV44 1/32 Hasegawa

My old model Fw-190D9 JV44 1/32 Hasegawa Paint Model Master

Wooden it be nice……

To have some really thin wood to do the plywood flooring of a B-17? My daughter gave me some thin wood samples after she graduated industrial design school and they are perfect for replicating things such as the flooring of B-17s! The [...]

WW1 Model-T Ford Ambulance, Western Front 1918

ICM 1/35 scale with Master box figures. Nice simple little kit that was fun to build. Well except for the decals! Not sure if I just got a bad bunch but they were a nightmare to apply. As soon as they came out of the water they kept [...]

Hughes OH 6A Cayuse, 01602, Spanish Navy.

1/72 Italeri, almost OOB, I added some wire to the undercarriage and tail rotor for strength, finished in MM enamels with Future and MM 30000 acrylic over kit decals.

Weathering: Too much versus Too little?

Right! - How much weathering is too much? I personally think these Viggens are overdone myself - you don't see them like that in real life...waitaminute!? Oooops!

HobbyBoss Ka-29 "Helix-B"

This is the HobbyBoss Kamov Ka-29 “Helix-B”, in 1/72nd scale. The kit exterior is pretty nice, however, there is very little detail inside of the cockpit or the rear transport compartment. I added a little scratchbuilt detail inside [...]

Wildcat revisited... Tamiya 1/48

This would be one of my earliest Tamiya kits; built, I think, around 1995. I recently read a magazine article by a fellow modeller about his problems with using the right colour for the topsides & the more I looked at mine , the more [...]

Review: Tamiya #61115 1/48 scale Ki-61 Hien (Tony) kit review

Earlier this afternoon my Hien arrived. Here's a photo of the box end... Needless to say, I am very excited about it! This new kit can be summed up in one word. FANTASTIC! Tamiya has produced another 1/48 scale masterpiece. As [...]

Kamov Ka 50 "Hokum", 018, test aircraft Tashkent 1991.

1/72 Italeri, I modified the rotor head, replacing some parts to separate the two rotors, finished in MM enamels with I think Tamiya X22 and MM 30000 over kit decals.

Tamiya 1/48 Avro Lancaster PB150 of 625 Sqn RAF 1945

Some pics of my Tamiya 1/48 Lanc tastefully shot against the lurid backdrop of our back-bedroom! - Sorry about that but the finished model is so large it had to go somewhere uncluttered and it was still raining outside. I scratch-built the [...]