On 6th May it was sunny beautiful day and I was presenting my recent kits in Ivanka pri Dunaji, where a local show named after famous pilot, politican and Tschechoslovakia founder was hold - Stefanikovo kridlo (Stefanik's wing).
The show [...]
Here are a few images from other forums I came across recently that I thought were interesting and worth sharing - Ben Lavender (Airfix presentation), Hoshi Miuriwho who painted the figure, Alan Kelley who did the FA-18A and the armour dio [...]
Hello again.
Last of the project, basically with all the same changes and improvements than the previous two but with the needed changes to represent a DVa. Main difference is that the finishing was done mainly with decals (the other two [...]
1/72 Italeri, I modified a few things, cabin windows, tail rotor drive shaft, exhausts - not yet fitted, finished in Revell, MM and Humbrol enamels with Future over kit and other decals, built 2013.
1/35 scale Revell T-34/76 (model 1943).
At the beginning of the Russian campaign the Russian T-34 Main Battle Tank came as a shock to German troops. It combined mobility with armour protection and firepower in an almost perfect way. The [...]
And here it is: the SBS Caudron 600 - finished within a week. I'm a slow modeler so I say wow! When I came home from the Moson Show I was so full with modeling experiences that I thought I need some time before I can sit down on my chair [...]
Hi guys
My father has finished another model in the latest 15 days. I hope you like it.
Here are the final photos of the Consolidated PB2Y Coronado JX501.
It was used as transport serving with RAF Transport Commandfor trasatlantic flights [...]
1/72 Airfix, I modified and added a few things, basic cockpit details, air filter, antennae, propeller shaft, finished in Humbrol and MM enamels with Future and Micro flat over kit and spare decals, built 2008.
I have always thought of the 'Dora' as a wonderfully elegant aircraft which was great counterpoint to it's brutal parentage, the pugnacious and acutely aggressive 'Butcher Bird' (which has it's own terrible beauty).
This is the 1/32 [...]