Look what just landed in the back yard ! (snicker snicker) I like building helicopters. I made new parts for both sets of rotor blades from brass rod, tubing and E string. This allowed free spinning for the photos and to prevent breakage [...]
I am happy to share another of my low vis A-7E's. The first one I posted a while back was a Desert Storm A-7E, and I didn't have much luck with photographing the intake - or the photography of it in general!
I think this upload is better- [...]
As an in-between Project this Tamiya kit lasted longer than awaited on the bench. Additional parts are the wonderful AFV-Club tracks and the SKP lenses. Colors are self mixed Schmincke airbrush artist paints. The weathering was done with [...]
I found this F7F-3N AMT kit to be a smooth build with no noticeable problems other than those that were self-inflicted. Despite filling the nose with lead, I found the model to be a dedicated tail-sitter. AMT must have been aware of that [...]
OK I know it's a long shot as I don't if this ever actually happened but I'm currently building a diorama which will set a German AA gun on a platform protecting an electricity transformer tower. I still have some additions to put on the [...]
Hello everyone! This time I want to introduce a model that did a friend of mine. When it was used in the manufacture of motor Merlin cabin of GAZ-AA and the wheels of some unknown to me the model)). Here in Russia these machines are not [...]
This Bf 109G-14 was one of the aircraft captured after the war at Pilsen (Plzen), Czechoslovakia. The Luftwaffe unit that flew this aircraft is unclear. The previous markings are still visible under the more recent ones and the KG 55 badge [...]
Reconstruction of Fw190A-8/R2, “Black 10”, flown by CO of 8./JG 300, Karl Spenst, in December, 1944. This aircraft was photographed on November 27th, 1944 at Lobnitz, while still carrying the brick red fuselage band. The identifier for [...]
Jacques Villeneuve's Williams Renault, and my first F1 build. This was a limited run (75,000 with box # 15,000) kit. Lots of decals. I built this kit a few years ago, but didn't photograph it. Today seemed like a good time, with the nice [...]